Session Start: Wed Oct 23 22:00:08 2002 * Logging #demogame to 'c:\my documents\#demogame.log' [22:00] <@Eklektikos> ok, let's begin :-) [22:00] <+XPenguin> Mr President, You have 3/5ths of your cabinet ready to procede [22:00] <+sike1> we have 4 Yes votes [22:00] <+XPenguin> ? [22:00] <+XPenguin> yes for what? [22:00] <+sike1> sorry. [22:01] <+sike1> I thought you were referring to me [22:01] <@Eklektikos> reading through turn chat instruction thread... [22:01] <+sike1> You message in the poll? [22:01] *** Ehecatl_Atzin (Ehecatl@200.76.240.Ru075=) 4[joined] #demogame. [22:01] <+XPenguin> all departments have posted instructions [22:02] <+XPenguin> FA: Here [22:02] <+CivGeneral> Hi EA [22:02] <+XPenguin> which poll, there are many [22:02] <+BlueStrider> Ehecatl needs a voicing [22:02] <+sike1> nm [22:02] <+XPenguin> can we get a voicing here? [22:02] <@theGreyFox> There are that poll, that suggest putting me in command, and scraping the old Advisor system [22:02] *** Eklektikos 4[voices] Ehecatl_Atzin [22:02] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> thanks [22:02] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> hello [22:03] <@Eklektikos> wonder what happened there... [22:03] <+XPenguin> lol, Gf [22:03] <+sike1> hehe [22:03] <+XPenguin> you running again? [22:03] <@theGreyFox> me? [22:03] <+XPenguin> O, CG, before I get [22:03] <+XPenguin> yea [22:03] <@theGreyFox> no [22:03] <+sike1> why not gf? [22:03] <+XPenguin> if Ekle should leave at any thime, I hand COC play powers over to you [22:03] <+CivGeneral> K :) [22:03] <@theGreyFox> my time is too limited [22:04] <+sike1> ah [22:04] <@theGreyFox> big project in school [22:04] <@Eklektikos> Fanatikan Department of Defense Turn Instructions [22:04] <@Eklektikos> Move units as stated in The Aztec War dicussion page, Post# 41, Any new sordsmen that are created after the War has started should patrol our borders incase if any Jag Warriors decide to sneek up on us. [22:04] <+sike1> another movie? [22:04] <+XPenguin> seeing as i am (still) w/o a working version of civ [22:04] <+XPenguin> and a lousy warmager [22:04] <@Eklektikos> Domestic: [22:04] <@Eklektikos> Build Kufkaff NW of the Cow [22:04] <@Eklektikos> Follow Governors Queues [22:04] <@Eklektikos> Opinion- Rename conqured cities [22:04] <+CivGeneral> hey [22:05] <+XPenguin> and whats below it [22:05] <@Eklektikos> those don't look like instructions to me, Stuck [22:05] <@Eklektikos> more like comments [22:05] <+XPenguin> follow gov queues? [22:06] <+gunning1> i agree with Ekle [22:06] <@Eklektikos> Trade: check all possible trades at turn 5 [22:06] <+XPenguin> i am allowing our governor to do as he wishs [22:06] <+XPenguin> and, cts been out, so i cant optimize placement [22:06] <+XPenguin> since shes the one in domestic with the working copy [22:06] <+gunning1> if we do rename the cities, what will they be? [22:07] <@Eklektikos> Culture: [22:07] <@Eklektikos> Like I aid last time, let's get this war started, so we can finish it and build some cultural infrastructure. [22:07] <+XPenguin> see the COC [22:07] <@Eklektikos> We can decide on what to rename cities, and who will be getting to do so in time for the next TC [22:08] * @theGreyFox damn PTW crashed [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Foreign: Begin the war....again [22:08] <+XPenguin> ? [22:08] <@Eklektikos> :-D [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Instructions from the Governor of Bohemia. [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Build Queues: [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria - Warrior (c), Warrior, Warrior, Spear, Sword, Sword [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla - Spearman, Worker, Settler, Spear, Settler [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Morgana - Sword (c), Sword, Worker, Sword, Sword [22:08] <@Eklektikos> Next City - Settler, Settler, Barracks [22:08] *** FortyJ_PlayingCiv ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:08] *** ChanServ 4[voices] FortyJ_PlayingCiv [22:09] <+XPenguin> [22:09] <+XPenguin> heres the COC [22:09] <@Eklektikos> Pre-turn - Send the Sword in Bavaria to Valhalla to escourt the Settler there 4 tiles to the SW and plant the next city. Because we've taken one of the MP's from Bavaria, we will need to increase the Lux to 10%. The two workers will finish the road SW of Bavaria in 3 turns and should both be moved to complete the road in the forest West of Morgana. This road should be done on the 7th turn. At that time, I suggest moving them both due West of Bavaria to build a road to our next city. [22:09] <@Eklektikos> Turn #1. The Settler and Sword leave Valhalla to their destination. [22:09] <@Eklektikos> The Warrior completed in Bavaria can stay in Bavaria for fortification or move on to Morgana, either one. The following Warrior will be our last due to upgrade funding or lack there of. [22:09] <@Eklektikos> Morgana should complete its current Sword, start and complete another Sword, then start a third Sword - but when Morgana grows to the next pop, it should be switched to a Worker. This not only gives us the extra Worker to connect a new city, but keeps the pop in Morgana content. [22:09] <@Eklektikos> The first new city - Octavinium? Kuhkaff? will have the Sword that escourted it for protection, so it can start immediately on Settlers. I suggest 2 right away and then maybe a barracks or temple. But I feel that this new city should be a Settler Factory. [22:09] <@Eklektikos> We may have to wait a turn for the second Settler to be produced in Valhalla because of the pop reduction. [22:09] *** theGreyFox has quit IRC (Connection Closed) [22:09] *** frst01 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:09] *** ChanServ 4[voices] frst01 [22:10] <+XPenguin> just saying, the city is Kuhkaff [22:10] *** frst01 has 4[morphed] into "theGreyFox" [22:10] *** ChanServ 4[ops] theGreyFox [22:10] <@Eklektikos> Science Orders: [22:10] <@Eklektikos> Please continue the path to lit and if completed move on to polytheism. [22:10] <@theGreyFox> * Me got the HUGE powwa stick* [22:10] <@Eklektikos> carrying out preturn instructions... [22:11] <+sike1> in your dreams [22:11] <+sike1> :) [22:11] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> lol [22:11] <@Eklektikos> GF, there are some things I just dn't wanna know about, ok? [22:11] <@Eklektikos> :-p [22:11] <+sike1> :) [22:12] <+FortyJ_PlayingCiv> gotta go. wish I could stay for this t/c.... Just my luck. :( [22:12] <+sike1> cya [22:12] <+FortyJ_PlayingCiv> give 'em a good fight! [22:12] <+CivGeneral> Ok :) [22:12] *** FortyJ_PlayingCiv has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [22:12] <+sike1> one for the gipper [22:13] <+XPenguin> okay... to bady Oct isnt here [22:13] <+XPenguin> i had an Idea to make his city more pronouncable [22:14] <+XPenguin> Octavian (the emperor) was really named Agustus. [22:14] <+sike1> Octavinium [22:14] <+XPenguin> He changed his name to Octavian ti be more heroic [22:14] <+XPenguin> i was going to propose he consider the name Agustum or something to that account [22:14] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> quite roman [22:14] <+XPenguin> but, since hes not here, I cant [22:15] <+XPenguin> thanks [22:15] <+XPenguin> just asking, my facts are correct, right? [22:15] <+sike1> i wasn't there. :) [22:15] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> I think he had both names actually [22:15] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> i think [22:15] <+XPenguin> thats what I learned in latin class [22:16] <+CivGeneral> :) [22:16] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> cool [22:17] <+XPenguin> that, and ablative, genitave, nom9inative, accusative, present are verbs, and fy=uture are verbs [22:17] *** ToreHund ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:17] *** ChanServ 4[voices] ToreHund [22:18] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> that is why I'm not studying literature! :) [22:18] <+CivGeneral> lol [22:18] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 0 [22:18] <@Eklektikos> 1275BC, 163 gold, -3 gpt, Literature in 33 turns [22:18] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [22:18] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Warrior in 1 [22:18] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 2, Growth in 4, Spearman in 4 [22:18] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 12, Swordsman in 3 [22:18] <@Eklektikos> saving... [22:19] <+XPenguin> okay [22:19] <+CivGeneral> k [22:19] <+XPenguin> oh, a note from dis [22:19] <+XPenguin> do not move the spearman garrisoned in barvaria out. [22:20] <+XPenguin> it will cause unhappiness and a riot [22:20] <+sike1> too late [22:20] <+XPenguin> ? [22:20] <+sike1> we had too [22:20] <+XPenguin> okay [22:20] <+XPenguin> is that why the lux rate was raised? [22:20] <+BlueStrider> Well.... Dis is gonna be mad about this :) [22:20] <+sike1> we increase the Lux to 10% to cover the unrest [22:20] <@Eklektikos> we moved the Sword, not the spear [22:20] <+sike1> that's OK [22:20] <+BlueStrider> ok [22:20] *** Chieftess ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:20] <+sike1> yeah, that's right [22:20] *** ChanServ 4[ops] Chieftess [22:20] <@Chieftess> 12° I got the Mini-Powwa stick! 12° [22:21] <+CivGeneral> Hi Cheiftess [22:21] <@Eklektikos> the powwa stick plot thickens... [22:21] <+XPenguin> hey CT [22:21] <@Chieftess> hi [22:21] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> hey CT [22:21] <@Chieftess> So, how goes the war? :) [22:21] <+XPenguin> just did preturn [22:21] <+XPenguin> ct- no sign from GI [22:21] <+CivGeneral> *sigh [22:21] <+XPenguin> how many more days till PI can be served? [22:21] *** recon1591 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:21] *** ChanServ 4[voices] recon1591 [22:21] <@Chieftess> Tomorrow I think. :-) [22:22] <+sike1> hey CT [22:22] <+XPenguin> greetings to our newest citizen! [22:22] <@Chieftess> hi [22:22] <+recon1591> hi chieftess [22:22] <+CivGeneral> HiRecon1591, Glad you can make it :) [22:22] <+recon1591> are u logged on msm [22:22] *** disorganizer ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:22] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> hello [22:22] *** ChanServ 4[voices] disorganizer [22:22] *** ChanServ 4[ops] disorganizer [22:22] <@Chieftess> Well, I'm going to a Career Fair now. [22:22] <@Chieftess> But, I'll keep this logged. Bye :) [22:22] <+XPenguin> just a chat jacking to let everyone know to vote for me here: [22:22] <+sike1> hey ToreHund and recon 1591 [22:22] *** Chieftess has 4[morphed] into "CT_At_Career_Fair" [22:23] <@CT_At_Career_Fair> I might be back in an hour or so. [22:23] <+CivGeneral> k [22:23] <+recon1591> k [22:23] <+sike1> cya [22:23] <@disorganizer> you should seperate the link from the here: :-) that way it would work [22:23] <+sike1> hey dis [22:23] <+XPenguin> just a chat jacking to let everyone know to vote for me here: [22:23] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> hello Dis [22:23] <+BlueStrider> .....? [22:23] <@disorganizer> hy all. we almost have quorum here :-) [22:23] <@Eklektikos> uploading preturn save as we speak... [22:24] <+XPenguin> ekle- when does the war begin? [22:24] <@disorganizer> *sigh* server too busy [22:24] <+XPenguin> we have quick quorm [22:24] <+XPenguin> yup [22:24] <+sike1> yup [22:24] <+BlueStrider> The screwed up Quorums again *sigh* [22:24] <@disorganizer> i cant await friday when the forum is mooved :-) [22:24] * @disorganizer slaps BlueStrider around with a quorum [22:25] * +BlueStrider has a broken leg.... So he can't get up :( [22:25] <@disorganizer> btw: wen did the the TC start? [22:25] <+BlueStrider> Abotu 10 mins ago [22:25] <@disorganizer> hmmm. since when do we start at "normal" times? [22:25] <@Eklektikos> Preturn Save: [22:25] <+sike1> ty [22:25] <+CivGeneral> k [22:26] <@Eklektikos> currently figting with the forum to get it posted there too [22:26] <+sike1> I just got thru [22:26] <+gunning1> back [22:26] <+gunning1> how's it going so far? [22:27] <@Eklektikos> damn thing logged me out [22:27] <+BlueStrider> lol [22:27] <+CivGeneral> lol [22:27] * +BlueStrider has been through te forum [22:27] <@Eklektikos> right, it's up [22:27] <+sike1> that was me logging you out. [22:28] <+CivGeneral> Craysy Chat ;) [22:28] <@Eklektikos> everything look ok in the save, Cyc? I didn't miss anything? [22:28] <+sike1> Dis, I gave you and Donsig the 3rd warrior [22:28] <+XPenguin> ? [22:28] <+sike1> i didn't d/l it [22:29] <+XPenguin> honored citizens get units named for them noe? [22:29] <@disorganizer> cyc: thanks :-) now i support your queues fully :-)) [22:29] <@Eklektikos> ok [22:29] <@disorganizer> xpeng: not yet. honoured citizens go to tehe top of naming-COC :-) remember: KuhKaff ;-) [22:31] <+XPenguin> yea, but wats w.\/ the warrior [22:31] <+XPenguin> o, for the queue [22:31] <+sike1> donsig and Dis wanted a third warrior [22:31] <+sike1> yes [22:32] <@Eklektikos> we were supposed to declare war on turn #2 of the last chat, which means turn #1 of this chat, if I'm not mistaken [22:32] <@Eklektikos> . Someone care to confirm this just to make sure I shouldn't be making the declaration before I press enter? [22:32] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> yes, you can declare war [22:32] <+sike1> yes, Mr. President [22:32] <@Eklektikos> ok [22:32] <+XPenguin> war time! [22:32] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [22:32] <+sike1> the aztec warrior moved into our way [22:33] * +CivGeneral is watching that Jag Warrior [22:33] <+sike1> please [22:33] <@Eklektikos> pressing enter... [22:33] <+XPenguin> do it!!!! [22:34] <+CivGeneral> yes [22:34] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Warrior --> Warrior [22:34] <@Eklektikos> the English are building the Pyramids... [22:34] <@Eklektikos> the Russians are buildng the colossus... [22:35] <+XPenguin> okay [22:35] <+CivGeneral> k [22:35] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> good for them :) [22:35] <@Eklektikos> the Egyptians are building the Oracle... [22:35] <+sike1> not worried [22:35] <+XPenguin> how close are we to the Eng? [22:35] <+gunning1> yay, finally time for war [22:35] <+BlueStrider> WAHOO! [22:35] <+CivGeneral> :D [22:35] <+XPenguin> The Pyramids will serve well here, seeing as were a giant pangea [22:35] <+XPenguin> if we capture it, we get free food! [22:36] <+CivGeneral> And lots of Doughnuts for Octavian X [22:36] <@disorganizer> the doughnut pyramid [22:36] <+CivGeneral> lol [22:37] <@Eklektikos> moving units... [22:37] <+CivGeneral> k [22:38] *** donsig ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:38] *** ChanServ 4[voices] donsig [22:38] <@disorganizer> hy don sig [22:38] <+XPenguin> helo donsig [22:38] <+donsig> hello [22:38] <+CivGeneral> Did you also looked in the link I have provided in the instructions [22:38] <@Eklektikos> hey donsig [22:38] <+XPenguin> Mr Presidemt, what is your opinion on renaming captured cities? [22:38] <@Eklektikos> yes, I have that map up in a seperate window CivGen [22:38] <+XPenguin> President* [22:40] <@disorganizer> How far from founding KuhKaff are we? [22:40] <+CivGeneral> Just Checking ;) [22:41] <+XPenguin> mr president, the question... [22:41] [disorganizer PING] [22:41] <@Eklektikos> Penguin: I'd love to but the question of how that would be organised is not yet decided, to my knowledge [22:41] <@Eklektikos> Dis: Two turns [22:42] <@disorganizer> eklek: tnx [22:42] <+XPenguin> okay [22:42] <+XPenguin> so we would keep them as so? [22:42] <+XPenguin> Domestic will post a poll on wether or not we should, along with the FINAL border proposal [22:43] <@Eklektikos> for now they'd stay as they are, yes [22:43] <@Eklektikos> ok, looks like time to give monty a call ;-) [22:43] * +CivGeneral makes smoke signals [22:43] <+XPenguin> okay [22:43] <+CivGeneral> k [22:43] * +XPenguin does War Dance [22:44] <+XPenguin> followed by Pyhtonesque quotes [22:45] * @disorganizer positions his lancre jagkiller regiment in the aztec woods [22:45] * @Eklektikos 1,4[ 8,4News Flash1,4 ] We are now officially at war with the Aztecs! [22:45] <+donsig> has the war begun gentlmen? [22:45] <+donsig> Oh, I see it has! [22:46] * +CivGeneral plays the Confrintation of Count Dooko [22:46] * @disorganizer pops corc of ****DBJ [22:46] <+XPenguin> yea [22:46] <@disorganizer> i am changing the flag of the apo embassy to our war-flag [22:46] * +XPenguin plays Stacata and Fuge in D Minor [22:46] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 1 [22:46] <@Eklektikos> 1250BC, 120 gold, -4 gpt, Literature in 32 turns [22:46] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [22:46] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Warrior in 2 [22:46] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 2, Growth in 3, Spearman in 3 [22:46] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 11, Swordsman in 2 [22:47] *** Disconnected [22:47] *** Error: 1Not connected to Server [22:48] *** Attempting to rejoin... [22:48] *** Now Talking in #demogame. [22:48] *** Topic is ' Civ3 Game of Democracy Chatroom. Forum is at 12Next Turn Chat - Wednesday, October23rd (5:00pm EDT - 10:00pm GMT)' [22:48] *** Set by Chieftess on Tue Oct 22 17:41:09 [22:48] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Eklektikos-Away [22:48] <+Eklektikos-Away> 3° Whoa! a nifty lookin' + thingie!! 3° [22:48] *** Eklektikos has quit IRC (Ping Timeout) [22:48] *** System: 1Checking Auto join channels list... [22:49] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> huh? [22:49] * +Eklektikos-Away has left the Chat. Reason: [Idle for 10 mins. (Auto-away Activated)] Pager: ON [22:49] <@disorganizer> uhoh! [22:49] * +Eklektikos-Away has Returned (Been gone 3secs) [22:49] *** Eklektikos-Away has 4[morphed] into "Eklektikos" [22:49] *** ChanServ 4[ops] Eklektikos [22:49] <@Eklektikos> 12° I got the powwa stick! 12° [22:49] <+CivGeneral> phew [22:49] <@disorganizer> ?!? [22:49] <+sike1> uh-oh [22:49] <@Eklektikos> dial up hiccuped [22:49] <+CivGeneral> lol [22:49] <+sike1> we got the war started, tho [22:49] <@disorganizer> it must be the aztecs (again?) [22:49] <@Eklektikos> you got the end of turn summary ok? [22:50] <+CivGeneral> yes [22:50] <+sike1> yes [22:50] <@Eklektikos> good [22:50] <+XPenguin> yes [22:50] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [22:50] * +CivGeneral continues to play Confrintation of Count Dooko [22:50] <+CivGeneral> yes [22:50] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> y [22:50] <+sike1> if you say so, Ek [22:52] <@Eklektikos> putting on some nice warlike music and pressing enter... :-) [22:52] *** Guest02037 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:52] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest02037 [22:52] <+BlueStrider> I G2G bye everyone [22:52] *** eyrei ( 4[joined] #demogame. [22:52] *** ChanServ 4[voices] eyrei [22:52] *** BlueStrider ( 4[left] #demogame. [22:52] <+XPenguin> may i suggest ride of the valkires? [22:52] *** Guest02037 has 4[morphed] into "Bill_in_PDX" [22:52] * +CivGeneral plays "The Droid invasion" [22:52] <+sike1> tom-toms? [22:52] <+eyrei> hello [22:52] <+CivGeneral> hi [22:52] <+sike1> hey eyrei [22:52] <+XPenguin> or better known as Kill Da Wabbit [22:52] <+XPenguin> hey [22:52] <+CivGeneral> lol [22:52] <+XPenguin> to both bill and eyeri [22:52] <+XPenguin> were at war! [22:52] <+eyrei> good [22:52] <@Eklektikos> the Japanese are building the Oracle... [22:52] <+Bill_in_PDX> Have we killed any Aztec scum yet? [22:52] <+CivGeneral> yea :D [22:53] <+CivGeneral> not yeat [22:53] <+sike1> hey Bill [22:53] <+CivGeneral> yet [22:53] <+eyrei> hehe, the war seems to have drawn quite a crowd;) [22:53] <@Eklektikos> Aztec archer has moved from mountains to forest next to our Tenochtitlan assault force [22:53] <+sike1> blood thirsty... [22:53] * +CivGeneral watches closely on them [22:54] <+sike1> we declare and it leaves the mountain? [22:54] <@Eklektikos> strange behaviour, no? [22:55] <+eyrei> you have to AI tactics [22:55] <+sike1> must be that kaluah [22:55] <+Bill_in_PDX> Probably going to try suicide against the stack [22:55] <+eyrei> too bad they almost always outnumber you [22:55] <@Eklektikos> shall I pick it off now, or just press on to the city? [22:55] * @disorganizer 's stealth tactics for his regiment seems to work. they think we only are a single warrior [22:55] <+eyrei> leave it [22:55] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> press on to the city [22:56] <+sike1> press on [22:56] <+Bill_in_PDX> press on to the city [22:56] <+eyrei> be sure to wave as you march by... [22:56] <+XPenguin> city [22:56] <+Bill_in_PDX> tell him we'll be back for his surrender later [22:56] <@Eklektikos> hehe [22:56] <@Eklektikos> pressing on across the border [22:56] <+CivGeneral> Onward to the Aztec Chocolate [22:57] * +XPenguin feels that our boys on the front need some support, so he brings out some women to ummm.... Support *yea, thats the ticket* our troops [22:57] <+eyrei> good thing CT is looking for a job;) [22:57] <+XPenguin> lol [22:58] <@disorganizer> *rofl* now could someone interpret that as her new job?!? NOOOOOO! [22:58] <+sike1> :) [22:58] <+XPenguin> no.... [22:59] * @disorganizer updated to war-flag in our apo embassy, and now posts the news at the UN council [22:59] <+sike1> good [23:00] <+CivGeneral> :) [23:01] <+XPenguin> okay [23:01] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 2 [23:01] <@Eklektikos> 1225BC, 116 gold, -4 gpt, Literature in 31 turns [23:01] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [23:01] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Warrior in 1 [23:01] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 2, Growth in 2, Spearman in 2 [23:01] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 10, Swordsman in 1 [23:01] <+Bill_in_PDX> I hope you all are happy, I skipped out of the office this afternoon just to attend this historic occasion [23:01] <+XPenguin> -4? [23:01] <+donsig> is the war over yet? [23:02] <+Bill_in_PDX> LOL [23:02] <+XPenguin> also- how goes the battle? [23:02] *** plexust ( 4[joined] #demogame. [23:02] *** ChanServ 4[voices] plexust [23:02] <+CivGeneral> The war has begun [23:02] <+plexust> cool [23:02] * @Eklektikos adopts small child voice [23:02] <+XPenguin> why? [23:02] <@Eklektikos> "are we there yet?" [23:02] <+donsig> Good, I had a severe case of *peace weariness* [23:02] <+CivGeneral> Hi Plexust [23:02] <@Eklektikos> :-p [23:02] <+plexust> hi [23:02] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> how did the war begin? oficial declaration? attack? who won? [23:02] <+donsig> have any arrows flown yet? [23:03] <@Eklektikos> no actual fighting yet [23:03] * +CivGeneral Adopts a proffesor's voice [23:03] <+XPenguin> aw... [23:03] <@Eklektikos> so far we have met no resistance [23:03] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [23:03] <+CivGeneral> We will get to the battles soon [23:03] <+sike1> please [23:03] <+CivGeneral> yes [23:03] <+donsig> pe [23:03] * +XPenguin keeps his real voice, which is like a britsih guys if the guy had an american tone to it [23:04] * @disorganizer hopes they just surrender their cities to us :-) [23:04] <+plexust> lol, don't we all? [23:04] <+CivGeneral> Rolling along [23:04] <@Eklektikos> two Aztec archers take up position on the mountain ahead of the tenochtitlan force [23:05] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Warrior --> Warrior [23:05] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Swordsman --> Swordsman [23:05] * +CivGeneral Keeps an eye on toes archers [23:05] <+CivGeneral> :D [23:05] <+Bill_in_PDX> seems they have been building archers instead of Jags [23:05] <@Eklektikos> the Babylonians are building the Oracle... [23:05] *** theGreyFox ( 4[left] #demogame. [23:06] <@Eklektikos> sounds good to me Bill.. means they can't run away so easily ;-) [23:06] * +CivGeneral wonders what the Aztecs have been up too [23:06] <+Bill_in_PDX> Feeling lucky Ek? All we ask is for all victories, no loses, and promotions with every battle... [23:06] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> brb [23:06] <@Eklektikos> hehe [23:07] <+CivGeneral> :) [23:07] <+XPenguin> back [23:07] <+XPenguin> i miss anything? [23:08] <+plexust> brb [23:09] * @Eklektikos 1,4[ 8,4News Flash1,4 ] Kuhkaff has been founded! [23:09] <+CivGeneral> :D [23:09] <+sike1> cool [23:09] <@disorganizer> Hurray! [23:09] * @disorganizer gives around a **DBJ for celebrations [23:10] <@Eklektikos> not for me thanks... mustn't drink & invade ;-) [23:10] <+plexust> congrats dis [23:11] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> im back [23:11] <+donsig> thanks dis! [23:11] <@disorganizer> np! [23:12] <@Eklektikos> sending Tlaxcala assault force across border now... [23:12] <+plexust> :) [23:12] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> good [23:13] <@Eklektikos> ok CG, shall I whomp those mountain loitering archers with swords or arrows? [23:13] <+gunning1> wow, that guy sure likes to talk [23:13] *** plexust has 4[morphed] into "plex_forumsandchat" [23:13] <+gunning1> yay for the city [23:13] <+gunning1> so have we taken any cities with force yet [23:13] <+gunning1> by force [23:13] * +CivGeneral is thinking [23:14] <@Eklektikos> we've not taken any cities as yet [23:14] <+gunning1> ok [23:14] <+CivGeneral> What is the hit points on the Aztec Archers [23:15] <+XPenguin> so we have 4 cities [23:15] <@Eklektikos> both regulars (3) [23:15] <+CivGeneral> I would go with using the Swordsmen since they have a higher chance of winning [23:16] <@Eklektikos> ok... making with the pain infliction :-) [23:18] <@Eklektikos> Aztec archer defeated a vet sword, at the cost of 2hp and promoted to vet itself... so still on 3hp =/ [23:18] <+XPenguin> :( [23:18] <+CivGeneral> What! [23:18] <@Eklektikos> my thoughts exactly [23:19] * @disorganizer thinks that must have been one of aegir's swordmen .-( [23:19] <+XPenguin> let us take a moment of silence for our lost swordsman.. and reflect on the fact that the AI is cheating [23:19] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> lol [23:19] <+CivGeneral> The Calculations said that the swordsmen has a higher chance of winning [23:19] <+gunning1> not fair! [23:19] <@Eklektikos> the operative word being "chance" [23:19] <+CivGeneral> The AI is cheating [23:19] <@disorganizer> no whining! the revenge will be ours! be brave men! [23:19] <@Eklektikos> next batter steps up... [23:19] <+donsig> I thought swords and archers both attack at 3 [23:19] <+eyrei> archers are 2 [23:20] <@Eklektikos> bloody hell... [23:20] <+Bill_in_PDX> yes, the ai does not cheat...and keep in mind, we want the odds owed to us when we hit the cities [23:20] <@Eklektikos> strike 2... [23:20] <+Bill_in_PDX> at least it doesn't cheat in combat [23:20] <+donsig> what calculations were those? [23:20] <+XPenguin> another lost soul? [23:20] <+Bill_in_PDX> did we add in the defensive multiplier for the defender being on a mountain? [23:20] <@Eklektikos> Aztec archer defeats reg swordsman and at in the exact same manner as the first [23:21] <+sike1> I think I would take out one archer then attack cityman [23:21] <+CivGeneral> Great >:( [23:21] * +Ehecatl_Atzin can't help but have a little grin [23:21] <+XPenguin> :( [23:21] * +eyrei wonders if this war is going to take a lot longer than anticipated [23:21] <+sike1> that was an old thought [23:22] <+Bill_in_PDX> concentrate on the cities, if the archers are weaken they should be ignorable [23:22] <+plex_forumsandchat> go to cities [23:22] <+CivGeneral> We should leve the Archers alone, We dont want to lose any more Swordsmen [23:22] <@disorganizer> go to cities directly. we need our troops there [23:23] <+CivGeneral> BRB, Dinner [23:23] <@Eklektikos> ok, moving the rest of force to the hills next to the archers, city attack still on schedule [23:23] <+CivGeneral> A wonder ful time to have dinner :( [23:23] <@disorganizer> ?!? our general goes to eat during an attack ?!? no wonder our soldiers are demotivated :-) [23:24] *** CivGeneral has 4[morphed] into "CivGeneral_Dinner" [23:24] <+Bill_in_PDX> what is the remaining force? [23:24] <@Eklektikos> 2 swords, 4 archers [23:24] <+sike1> bring in the reenforcements [23:25] <@Eklektikos> reinforcements currently en route from morgana :-) [23:25] <+sike1> ty [23:25] <@disorganizer> ok im off to bed now (well, the general eats, the regiment commander sleeps) :-) i hope my troops are still alive tomorrow morning [23:25] <+sike1> cya [23:25] <+gunning1> bye dis [23:25] <@disorganizer> ciao [23:25] *** disorganizer has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [23:26] <+XPenguin> update, mr president? [23:26] <+donsig> or menu, I'm hungry, too [23:26] <+XPenguin> same [23:26] <+plex_forumsandchat> i'm eating some Twix... :) [23:27] <+XPenguin> egocentric eatery offers wartime meals for 20g [23:27] <+plex_forumsandchat> yum, early halloween candy... [23:27] <+Bill_in_PDX> Bill splits his attention between the chat, and season 1 of the Sopranos on DVD [23:27] <+XPenguin> lol [23:28] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 3 [23:28] <@Eklektikos> 1200BC, 73 gold, +3 gpt, Literature in 30 turns [23:28] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [23:28] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Warrior in 2 [23:28] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 2, Growth in 1, Spearman in 1 [23:28] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 9, Swordsman in 9 [23:28] <@Eklektikos> Kuhhuff: Size = 1, Growth in 7, Settler in 15 [23:28] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [23:29] <+plex_forumsandchat> yes, Mr. President [23:29] <+donsig> pe [23:29] <@Eklektikos> pressing... [23:29] <+Bill_in_PDX> go...onward to victory [23:29] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> well, I'm off to university [23:30] <@Eklektikos> Archers take no action against our forces [23:30] <+Ehecatl_Atzin> bye everyone [23:30] <@Eklektikos> bye EA [23:30] <+plex_forumsandchat> bye EA [23:30] <+XPenguin> Lang Phasen Fanatika! [23:30] *** Ehecatl_Atzin has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [23:30] <+XPenguin> bye [23:30] <@Eklektikos> Jag appears next to our reinforcements [23:30] <+sike1> kill it [23:30] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Spearman --> Worker [23:31] <+plex_forumsandchat> Sieg für Fanatika! [23:31] <@Eklektikos> the Greeks are building the Pyramids [23:31] <+Bill_in_PDX> I didn't think they would use the archers yet...once they heal though... [23:31] *** kyoko (~uyh@ 4[joined] #demogame. [23:31] *** ChanServ 4[voices] kyoko [23:31] <+plex_forumsandchat> mental note... "kill the greeks" [23:32] <+kyoko> ËÇÑ´´Õ [23:32] <+plex_forumsandchat> is that Japanese?? [23:32] *** Falcon02 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [23:32] *** ChanServ 4[ops] Falcon02 [23:32] <@Falcon02> Howdy [23:32] <@Eklektikos> hey falc [23:32] <+sike1> hey [23:32] <+plex_forumsandchat> hi falco [23:33] <+plex_forumsandchat> heh, like in Starfox... [23:33] <+kyoko> mang [23:33] *** kyoko (~uyh@ 4[left] #demogame. [23:33] <+sike1> a spy [23:33] <@Eklektikos> fair enough... [23:33] *** Falcon02 has 4[morphed] into "Falcon02_EE" [23:34] <@Eklektikos> sending new spear to defend Kuhkuff, if no-one has a good reason why I shouldn't [23:34] <+gunning1> fine with me [23:36] <+plex_forumsandchat> good [23:36] <@Eklektikos> attacking that jag... [23:37] <+plex_forumsandchat> please win... [23:37] <@Eklektikos> we take no damage - jag gets down to 1hp and runs like a scared little girl [23:37] <+Bill_in_PDX> lol [23:38] <@Eklektikos> Tlaxcala assault force arrives at the city gates [23:39] <+plex_forumsandchat> :) [23:39] <@Eklektikos> Tenochtitlan Assault force does likewise [23:39] *** Guest04723 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [23:39] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest04723 [23:39] *** Guest04723 has 4[morphed] into "shecky101" [23:40] <+shecky101> shecky101 [23:40] <@Eklektikos> our explorng warrior out to the west encounters a Jag warrior [23:40] <+Bill_in_PDX> make him attack us [23:40] <+Bill_in_PDX> fortify [23:41] *** shecky101 has quit IRC (Connection Closed) [23:42] <+XPenguin> nething? [23:42] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 4 [23:42] <@Eklektikos> 1200BC, 76 gold, +3 gpt, Literature in 29 turns [23:42] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [23:42] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Warrior in 1 [23:42] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 3, Growth in 4, Worker in 2 [23:42] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 8, Swordsman in 5 [23:42] <@Eklektikos> Kuhhuff: Size = 1, Growth in 6, Settler in 14 [23:43] <@Falcon02_EE> yeah turn 4, not a single turn turn chat [23:43] <@Eklektikos> novel, isn't it ;-) [23:43] *** Guest12486 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [23:43] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest12486 [23:43] *** Guest12486 has 4[morphed] into "shecky101" [23:43] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [23:44] <+sike1> k [23:44] <+XPenguin> yes [23:44] <+Bill_in_PDX> yes [23:44] <@Eklektikos> actually, that was 1175BC, btw [23:44] <@Eklektikos> pressing enter [23:45] <@Eklektikos> Archers attacked... not sure of full outcome because of ridiculously fast battle resolution [23:46] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Warrior --> Spearman [23:46] <@Eklektikos> the Chinese are building the Colossus... [23:46] <+CivGeneral_Dinner> Back [23:46] *** CivGeneral_Dinner has 4[morphed] into "CivGeneral" [23:46] <@Eklektikos> ok, damage report from archer attack [23:47] <+XPenguin> we win yet? [23:47] <@Eklektikos> we lost another vet sword [23:47] <+sike1> dang [23:47] <+CivGeneral> No :( [23:47] <+XPenguin> .... [23:47] <@Falcon02_EE> I guess I'll have to get my Engineer's working on "fixing" China's project [23:47] <@Eklektikos> but the last defended succesfully and was promoted to elite [23:47] *** shecky101 has quit IRC (Unknown) [23:47] <+XPenguin> yea! [23:47] <+Bill_in_PDX> finally some good news [23:47] <@Eklektikos> it now has 3 hp [23:47] <+sike1> good [23:48] <+sike1> so he's alone? [23:48] <@Eklektikos> believe it or not, the remaining Aztec archer didn't lose a single hp in the attack... [23:48] <+XPenguin> g2g [23:48] *** XPenguin has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [23:48] <@Falcon02_EE> :-( [23:48] <+CivGeneral> Give me more troops [23:48] <@Eklektikos> they're on their way, CG :-) [23:48] <+sike1> maybe send them to tlaxcala? [23:49] <@Eklektikos> Cyc: the extra troops or the current Tenoch force? [23:49] * +CivGeneral gives a sigh of relefe [23:50] <+Bill_in_PDX> wow, these are some determined aztecs...soon enough they will learn the error of their ways [23:50] * @Eklektikos is assuming the former [23:50] <+sike1> the current ones [23:50] <@Eklektikos> hmm... [23:50] <+sike1> the ones that keep losing [23:51] <@Eklektikos> we would run a very high risk of losing that elite by doing that [23:51] <+sike1> you know best [23:51] <+CivGeneral> Have we capured any cities [23:51] <+sike1> it was just a thought [23:52] <@Eklektikos> not yet, CG [23:52] <@Eklektikos> we're poised at the gates [23:52] <+CivGeneral> Whats the Sats on the units [23:52] <+sike1> ok [23:53] *** CT_At_Career_Fair has quit IRC (Unknown) [23:53] <+CivGeneral> And what unit is currently defending the city [23:54] <@Eklektikos> Tenoch assault force: 4 uninjured vet archers, and one slightly shop-soiled elite sword with 3hp [23:55] <@Eklektikos> Tlaxcala assault force: 3 vet swords & 1 vet archer. all at full strength [23:55] <+gunning1> have we captured anything yet? [23:55] <+sike1> not yet [23:55] <+gunning1> ok [23:55] <+CivGeneral> What is the current satus of Tlaxcala's defenses [23:56] <@Eklektikos> reg spearman, at full strength [23:57] *** Bill_in_PDX has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [23:57] <@Eklektikos> remind me: when I right click on an enemy city do I see the list of all the units or just the current strongest defender? [23:57] <+plex_forumsandchat> current strongest [23:57] <+plex_forumsandchat> :( [23:57] * +CivGeneral thinks [23:58] <@Eklektikos> ready to begin assault on Tlax, CG? [23:58] <@Falcon02_EE> I think so [23:58] <+sike1> go for it [23:58] <@Falcon02_EE> 3 vet swords should do it [23:58] * +CivGeneral makes calculations [23:58] *** Guest55106 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [23:58] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest55106 [23:58] <@Falcon02_EE> of course I'm no longer the boss :-P [23:58] *** Guest55106 has 4[morphed] into "bill_in_pdx" [23:59] <+CivGeneral> Beguin assault on Tlax [23:59] *** CT_At_Career_Fair ( 4[joined] #demogame. [23:59] *** ChanServ 4[voices] CT_At_Career_Fair [23:59] <@Eklektikos> :-D [23:59] <@Eklektikos> beggining assault... [23:59] <+CT_At_Career_Fair> The war's starting? [00:00] *** CT_At_Career_Fair has 4[morphed] into "Chieftess" [00:00] *** ChanServ 4[ops] Chieftess [00:00] <@Chieftess> 12° I got the Mini-Powwa stick! 12° [00:00] <@Falcon02_EE> YEAH [00:00] <+CivGeneral> Result from calculations Sword vs. Spear 70.4% chance of victory [00:00] * @Chieftess can tell Falcon is happy. :) [00:00] <@Falcon02_EE> lol [00:00] * +CivGeneral watches Falcon02 bouncing [00:00] <@Chieftess> Falcon's Haven's vengence is near. :) [00:01] <@Chieftess> revenge [00:01] <@Falcon02_EE> lol [00:01] <@Falcon02_EE> I already took taht with Modern armor [00:01] <@Falcon02_EE> that [00:01] <+CivGeneral> Revenge is so very very sweet [00:01] <@Falcon02_EE> personally [00:01] * @Eklektikos 1,4[ 8,4News Flash1,4 ] We have taken Tlaxcala! [00:01] <+CivGeneral> :D beguins partinging [00:01] <@Falcon02_EE> not the same when it's not "official" [00:01] <@Falcon02_EE> YEAH [00:01] <@Chieftess> Our first Aztec city even in the 1st demogame. :) [00:01] <+gunning1> yayayayayayayat [00:01] <@Eklektikos> losing only 1hp in the process [00:02] <@Chieftess> What turn is it? [00:02] * +CivGeneral plays "the attack on theed" [00:02] <@Eklektikos> turn 5 [00:02] * @Falcon02_EE starts playing Gettysburg music [00:02] <@Chieftess> What happened while I was away? [00:03] <@Eklektikos> we built a new city and began the war, basically [00:03] <+bill_in_pdx> Congrats Mr. President, I had hoped that the bad luck we had early would even out when it mattered [00:03] <+plex_forumsandchat> yea! [00:03] <@Eklektikos> let's just hope it holds.... :-) [00:04] <@Chieftess> Eklektikos - did you see what trades we could do? :-) [00:04] <@Chieftess> brb [00:04] <@Eklektikos> not yet, CT [00:04] <+CivGeneral> What is the Current satus of Tenoch [00:04] * +gunning1 starts whistling the tune to Lone Star Overture [00:04] <@Falcon02_EE> were you supposed to do that during preturn [00:04] <@Falcon02_EE> ? [00:04] <@Eklektikos> nope, sometime this turn [00:04] <+recon1591> chieftess please turn on msn [00:05] <+CivGeneral> I mean the Current Stats of Tenoch's Defenses [00:07] * +CivGeneral wonders what is the current satus of Tenoch's Defenses [00:07] <@Eklektikos> CG, there are two archers which will have a chance to attack the sword which will be lft outside Tlax this turn [00:07] <@Falcon02_EE> can you attack them first? [00:08] <@Eklektikos> we still have two units stacked with it (1 sword, 1 archer). I can attack with one of them and send the other into the city to ensure that we hold it - would youlike me to do this? [00:09] * @Falcon02_EE would say Yes [00:09] <+bill_in_pdx> must hold city [00:10] <+CivGeneral> Whats the Satus of the Swordsmen and the Aztec Archer [00:10] <+plex_forumsandchat> attack with archer [00:10] * @Falcon02_EE agree's with plexus [00:11] <@Chieftess> back [00:11] <@Eklektikos> the swordsman which will be left outside the city has 3hp, as do the archers threatening it [00:11] * +CivGeneral thinks [00:11] *** sike1 has quit IRC (Ping Timeout) [00:11] <@Falcon02_EE> what about brining them both into the city? [00:11] <@Falcon02_EE> bringing [00:12] <+CivGeneral> Hold the city [00:12] <@Eklektikos> I can still attack wile giving the city a 2 unit garrison... [00:12] <@Eklektikos> while, eve [00:12] <@Eklektikos> n [00:13] *** gunning1 has 4[morphed] into "gun_gone" [00:13] <+recon1591> ok [00:14] <@Chieftess> Eklektikos - Feel free to give us a play-by-play action. :) [00:14] <+CivGeneral> Bring the archers into the city and fortify [00:14] * @Falcon02_EE still wants to watch real time [00:14] <+CivGeneral> Then attack with swordsmen [00:14] * @Falcon02_EE wonders if PTW will allow observers... [00:14] <@Eklektikos> CG, we have only one archer [00:15] <@Chieftess> What happened to the others? [00:15] <@Eklektikos> CT: I mean in this little assault force [00:15] <@Eklektikos> the others are down waiting to attack Tenochtitlan [00:16] * +CivGeneral thinks [00:16] *** sike1 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [00:16] *** ChanServ 4[voices] sike1 [00:16] <+CivGeneral> Fortify Archer in city [00:16] <@Eklektikos> and attack with Swordsman? [00:17] <@Eklektikos> or fortify swordsman and try to defend that way? [00:18] *** XPenguin ( 4[joined] #demogame. [00:18] *** ChanServ 4[voices] XPenguin [00:18] <+XPenguin> back [00:18] <@Falcon02_EE> I say put them both in the city [00:18] <@Eklektikos> wb [00:18] <+XPenguin> we got something? [00:19] <@Chieftess> Tlaxcala. [00:19] <@Eklektikos> Falc, that way I think we'll lose the one that we'll have to leave outside [00:19] <@Falcon02_EE> ohh [00:19] <+XPenguin> anything else? [00:19] <+CivGeneral> Fortify swordsmen in city and attack the other city first. [00:19] <@Falcon02_EE> there's one outside with 0/1 movement? [00:19] <@Falcon02_EE> that's different [00:20] <@Eklektikos> yes, that's what I'm talking about. Guess I culd have been clearer... [00:20] <+CivGeneral> (If Govenor/or Domestic accepts): Build a Spearmen to defend the captured city [00:20] <+XPenguin> rush? [00:20] <@Chieftess> pop rush. [00:20] <@Falcon02_EE> attack w/ archer and garrison w/ Sword [00:21] <@Falcon02_EE> IMHO [00:21] <+sike1> yes [00:21] <+plex_forumsandchat> yes [00:21] <@Eklektikos> Falc, that's what I think we should do, also [00:21] <+bill_in_pdx> yes [00:21] <+plex_forumsandchat> a w/ arch d w/ sword [00:21] <+donsig> pass turn 5 yet? [00:21] <+bill_in_pdx> pubilic polling not yet at quorum, but the only pop rush currently with large support is for defensive troops [00:21] <+plex_forumsandchat> @donsig yes [00:21] <@Eklektikos> still on turn 5 at the moment [00:21] <+XPenguin> yes [00:21] <+donsig> ok so the save isn't up yet [00:22] <+CivGeneral> Rush build Spearmen. [00:22] <@Chieftess> What size is it at? [00:22] <@Eklektikos> can't rush [00:22] <+XPenguin> okay [00:22] <@Falcon02_EE> rush = pop-rush [00:22] <@Eklektikos> city is still in resistance [00:22] <@Falcon02_EE> secondly 1 turn till he comes [00:22] <@Falcon02_EE> that too :-) [00:23] <+CivGeneral> Defend with Swordsmen and Archer [00:23] <+XPenguin> i know [00:23] <+CivGeneral> And Attack the other city [00:23] <+XPenguin> how many units do we have left? [00:23] <@Eklektikos> defend what? the city or the swordsman? [00:23] <+CivGeneral> The City [00:24] <@Eklektikos> we'll lose a swordsman that way, CG... [00:24] <@Eklektikos> unless he gets REALLY lucky [00:24] <+sike1> please describe the senario again? [00:24] <@Chieftess> Any jags nearby? [00:25] <@Chieftess> Yeah, explain the battlefield. I just got back. :) [00:25] <@Falcon02_EE> Save and post? [00:25] <+XPenguin> can we get a map? [00:25] <@Falcon02_EE> might be better [00:25] <@Eklektikos> actually, far easier... I'll just upload a screenshot [00:25] <@Eklektikos> give me a minute or two [00:25] <+sike1> k [00:25] <@Chieftess> I've gotta reboot to my other OS for my browser to work... [00:26] <@Chieftess> I can be back in 5-10 minutes... [00:26] <+XPenguin> ok [00:26] *** Chieftess has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [00:28] * @Falcon02_EE thinks save is better [00:28] <@Falcon02_EE> you can't see all the units in a stack [00:29] <+sike1> ss is quicker [00:29] <@Falcon02_EE> for broad band users... not really [00:29] <@Falcon02_EE> dial-up is a different story [00:30] <+sike1> man, I just opened my quarterly report [00:30] *** Chieftess ( 4[joined] #demogame. [00:30] *** ChanServ 4[ops] Chieftess [00:30] <@Eklektikos> [00:30] <@Chieftess> 12° I got the Mini-Powwa stick! 12° [00:30] <@Chieftess> Nice timing!! :) [00:31] <@Falcon02_EE> ohh 3 units [00:31] <@Falcon02_EE> 2 Archers and 1 Jaguar [00:31] <@Falcon02_EE> the Jaguar has 2/2 movement [00:31] *** CivGeneral has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [00:31] <@Falcon02_EE> elite too [00:31] <+XPenguin> nice [00:31] <@Chieftess> slow... [00:32] <@Eklektikos> and appears to have scared of cG... [00:32] *** CivGeneral ( 4[joined] #demogame. [00:32] *** ChanServ 4[voices] CivGeneral [00:32] <@Falcon02_EE> Fortify Sword send Archer to the city [00:32] <+CivGeneral> Fortify the Archer in the city [00:32] <+CivGeneral> or both if possible [00:33] <@Chieftess> Don't let them put words in your mouth all the time, CG. ;-) [00:33] <@Falcon02_EE> I'm saying fortify Sword with 0/1 sword and send the archer to the city [00:33] <@Falcon02_EE> lol [00:33] <@Falcon02_EE> who me? [00:33] <@Falcon02_EE> I'm not manipulating CG [00:33] <@Chieftess> no. To CG [00:33] <@Chieftess> :p [00:34] <@Chieftess> recon, feel free to discuss here, too. [00:34] <@Falcon02_EE> "It's quiet... a little too quiet [00:34] <+XPenguin> how many turns are we on? [00:34] <@Eklektikos> turn 5 [00:35] <+XPenguin> okay [00:35] <+sike1> are there any units in the area we can't see? [00:36] <@Eklektikos> nope, that screenshot takes in all the units that can affect this situation [00:36] <@Chieftess> So, now we have a horse, and another bovine. :-) [00:36] <+recon1591> put both units in the city make them attack you there [00:36] <@Chieftess> You could let the units come to you... [00:36] <+donsig> no save yet/ [00:36] <@Chieftess> But, that would slow the advance.. [00:36] <+CivGeneral> Exelent Idea Recon1591 [00:36] <@Eklektikos> not yet, Donsig [00:37] <@Eklektikos> except they'll take out our swordsman [00:37] <@Falcon02_EE> the city is in danger from 1 unit [00:37] <+recon1591> save units and city at the same time [00:37] <+sike1> what do you want to do Mr. president? [00:37] <@Falcon02_EE> the 0/1 sword is in danger of 2 units [00:37] <+recon1591> maybe not [00:37] <+CivGeneral> Recon, The swordsman has used up all of his movement point [00:37] <@Chieftess> Don't forget the fotified jag. [00:37] <@Falcon02_EE> yeah the 0/1 unit complicates things [00:37] *** BlueStrider ( 4[joined] #demogame. [00:38] <+recon1591> put archer in then [00:38] *** ChanServ 4[voices] BlueStrider [00:38] <@Falcon02_EE> city in danger from 1 unit, the jag [00:38] <@Falcon02_EE> n/m 0/1 sword in danger from 3 [00:38] <+BlueStrider> ?? [00:38] <@Falcon02_EE> [00:38] <@Chieftess> The sword is 3.2.1, so atleast it's an attacking spear of sorts. [00:38] <@Chieftess> :) [00:38] <@Falcon02_EE> view this link strider [00:39] <@Chieftess> In the event that the jag retreats, and there's no units nearby, attack it with the sword. [00:39] <+BlueStrider> k [00:39] <+CivGeneral> The moved Swordsmen would hae a 54.5% chance of a successful defend [00:40] <+CivGeneral> That is too low to risk [00:40] <+recon1591> put archer in the city with the swordsman, foritify [00:40] <+BlueStrider> That's a nice poistion to be in isn't it :) [00:40] <+plex_forumsandchat> we must attack [00:40] <+plex_forumsandchat> *first [00:40] <+BlueStrider> I agree.... We have to attack first [00:40] <@Chieftess> brb [00:41] <+plex_forumsandchat> ok [00:41] <@Falcon02_EE> attack with both [00:41] <+XPenguin> attack! [00:41] <+gun_gone> how many cities now? [00:41] <@Falcon02_EE> we gained 1 city [00:41] <+CivGeneral> If we attack with the unmoved Swordsmen he would have a 87.6% chance of a successful attack vs the Aztec Archer [00:42] <+gun_gone> only one city so far? [00:42] <+gun_gone> other then the one we settled [00:42] <+XPenguin> we need to take more cities! [00:42] <+sike1> I think this is crucial for the aztecs. [00:43] <+sike1> I would probably attack the archer to the north with our archer [00:43] *** XPenguin has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [00:43] <+sike1> then attack the archer in the forest with the sword [00:43] <+CivGeneral> That is what I was thinking cyc :) [00:43] <+sike1> and take my chances with the city [00:43] <+recon1591> let them attack you in the city, defend city [00:43] <@Falcon02_EE> I agree [00:43] <@Eklektikos> sunds like a good plan [00:43] <@Falcon02_EE> so have we decided now? [00:43] <@Chieftess> back [00:43] <@Eklektikos> so, do that? [00:44] <@Falcon02_EE> the city isn't in great threat yet [00:44] <+donsig> Cyc's plan is what I would do [00:44] <@Falcon02_EE> only 1 elit jag vs. 1 vet sword [00:44] <@Falcon02_EE> unfortified [00:44] <+bill_in_pdx> must put two units in the city to ensure a lucky jag doesn't take it. If you want to attack the archer in the open, use the archer [00:44] <+bill_in_pdx> The sword against the forest archer is good odds [00:44] *** Guest79291 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [00:44] *** Guest79291 has 4[morphed] into "XPenguin" [00:44] *** ChanServ 4[voices] XPenguin [00:45] <+XPenguin> diff comp [00:45] <@Eklektikos> I say we go with Cyc's plan [00:45] <@Falcon02_EE> ditto [00:45] <@Chieftess> yeah. [00:45] <@Chieftess> Use the sword for the forest. [00:45] <@Eklektikos> CG? [00:45] <+XPenguin> ill agree, dispite the fact i dont know what it is [00:45] <@Chieftess> archer for the plains. [00:45] <+bill_in_pdx> agree [00:45] <+XPenguin> that ill agree to [00:46] <+bill_in_pdx> sword to forest archer, archer to open archer [00:46] <+XPenguin> thats good [00:47] <+CivGeneral> We can go with Cyc's Suggestion [00:47] <@Falcon02_EE> CG!?! [00:47] -> [CivGeneral] PING [00:47] <@Falcon02_EE> sorry [00:47] <+sike1> this could be their last big stand [00:47] <+bill_in_pdx> 93% against the forest archer, and 88% against the open archer...we risk a lucky jag attack on the city itself, but this is a good way to deplete the aztec force [00:47] <@Falcon02_EE> I yelled too soon [00:47] <@Eklektikos> ok [00:47] <@Eklektikos> here goes [00:47] <+XPenguin> okay [00:47] <+sike1> gl [00:47] * @Chieftess covers her eyes. :) [00:47] * +CivGeneral covers his eyes [00:47] * @Falcon02_EE ready's his sword [00:48] <+plex_forumsandchat> plexus waits in anticipation [00:48] <@Eklektikos> forest archer defeated with no damage to our sword... [00:48] <+bill_in_pdx> yes! [00:48] <@Falcon02_EE> YEAH [00:48] <+plex_forumsandchat> hoorah! [00:48] <+XPenguin> yay! [00:48] <+CivGeneral> Pops the cork [00:48] <+sike1> very cool [00:48] * @Chieftess evactuates her spice traders - wait wrong game. ;) [00:48] * +XPenguin does victory dance [00:48] <@Eklektikos> plains archer defeated with no damage to our archer :-) [00:48] <+plex_forumsandchat> i'll have some of that, CG... [00:48] <+sike1> nice [00:48] <+bill_in_pdx> now dats what I'm talkin bout [00:48] <@Falcon02_EE> now time to cross you fingers, of cross your swords hoping the Jag doesn't get lucky [00:48] <@Eklektikos> now, on to Tenochtitlan [00:49] <+XPenguin> yes [00:49] <+XPenguin> our troops are marching [00:49] <@Falcon02_EE> we'll retake it if they take it back... but we may auto-raze it [00:49] * +CivGeneral passes the Champagen [00:49] <+XPenguin> and theres nothing monty can do to stop it [00:49] <@Chieftess> recon - feel free to post here instead of MSN chat. :) [00:49] <+plex_forumsandchat> *plexus flys Roten off to Tenochtitlan* [00:49] <+bill_in_pdx> jag has only 14% chance of winning against the sword in the city [00:49] <@Falcon02_EE> Roten? [00:49] <+plex_forumsandchat> my hawk [00:49] <+XPenguin> his hawk [00:50] <+sike1> the falcon [00:50] <+sike1> hawk [00:50] <+plex_forumsandchat> (Red-one) [00:50] <@Falcon02_EE> hmm.. [00:50] <+XPenguin> i am running through in my carriage, with my oboe ready [00:50] <+XPenguin> this should be a good summary... [00:50] <@Falcon02_EE> Falcon's vs. Hawk, which would win [00:50] <+plex_forumsandchat> Oboe of Doom! [00:50] <@Falcon02_EE> the swift one or the strong one [00:50] <+sike1> tough call [00:50] <+plex_forumsandchat> Hawk... [00:50] <+plex_forumsandchat> :D [00:51] <+bill_in_pdx> Of course he may try to go after the hit sword in the open with the jag to trigger his GA [00:51] <+plex_forumsandchat> *slightly biased* [00:51] <@Falcon02_EE> lol [00:51] <@Chieftess> ? [00:51] <+CivGeneral> lol [00:51] <@Chieftess> I'd go with a Raven. ;-) [00:51] <@Falcon02_EE> Raven's stink [00:51] <+sike1> still low odds bill [00:51] <@Falcon02_EE> except the football team [00:51] <+plex_forumsandchat> hmmm... I had a software company with the logo as a raven once [00:52] <@Chieftess> yeah, play on words [00:52] <+XPenguin> are we attacking? [00:52] * +CivGeneral wonders when did we get into the subject of poultry [00:52] <+bill_in_pdx> Yes Cyc, only 28%...I think we made the right moves there [00:52] * @Falcon02_EE got an Ingenious Idea [00:52] <@Eklektikos> uploading a screenie of the tenochtitlan situation for your perusal :-) [00:52] <+sike1> yes, I agree [00:52] <@Falcon02_EE> Now I need money for a new store in the RPG [00:52] <@Chieftess> haha [00:52] <@Falcon02_EE> :-) [00:52] <@Chieftess> War Birds? :) [00:53] <+bill_in_pdx> plus, monty can't replace these losses, he has to be almost totally defensive here [00:53] <@Chieftess> Carrier Falcon. Carrier Hawks. [00:53] <+sike1> that's what I'm thinkin' [00:53] <+plex_forumsandchat> lol [00:53] <+XPenguin> Carrier penguins... [00:53] <@Eklektikos> [00:53] <+sike1> hopin' [00:53] <+plex_forumsandchat> I'd partner in that :) [00:54] <+XPenguin> if we get a GL, we stop, right? [00:54] <+sike1> TY [00:54] <+plex_forumsandchat> looks great for us! [00:54] <+XPenguin> up [00:54] <@Eklektikos> ok, looking at the situation do you think we should carry on and attack the city? [00:54] <+plex_forumsandchat> i say aye! [00:54] <@Chieftess> 1 3/5 sword, and 4 archers... I do have my resevations... [00:54] <@Chieftess> *reservations [00:55] * +CivGeneral is thinking [00:55] <@Eklektikos> personally I say yes, although it is a bit dicey [00:55] <+XPenguin> cg- what do you say? [00:55] <+recon1591> how many cities do they have left [00:55] <@Falcon02_EE> War Bird and Fantasy Animal Store [00:55] <@Falcon02_EE> who'd like a Bronze Dragon? [00:55] <@Falcon02_EE> or Bronze Whelp? [00:55] <+plex_forumsandchat> cool, I'd partner If you need funds [00:55] <@Chieftess> ohh, nice.. :) (the Dragon) [00:55] <+XPenguin> iron penguin... [00:55] <+sike1> I have to leave for a bit, but I say attack... [00:55] <@Eklektikos> how about a Bronze Whelk? [00:55] <+XPenguin> as do i [00:56] <+sike1> the city [00:56] <@Falcon02_EE> Sure Plexus [00:56] <+plex_forumsandchat> see you guys later [00:56] <+plex_forumsandchat> ok [00:56] <@Chieftess> bye [00:56] <+sike1> cya [00:56] <+recon1591> bye [00:56] <@Falcon02_EE> see ya Cyc [00:56] <@Eklektikos> bye Cyc [00:56] *** sike1 has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [00:56] <+bill_in_pdx> 51% chance for a vet archer to defeat a reg spearman in that city assuming he fortified...looks like he may have rushed one too [00:56] <+recon1591> attack city with archers first [00:56] <+XPenguin> Ta, governor of Bohemia [00:56] <+CivGeneral> It seems too much of a risk to attack Tenocn [00:56] <+XPenguin> true [00:57] <@Eklektikos> what do you advise we do in the meantime? [00:57] <@Chieftess> CG, I agree. [00:57] <+XPenguin> Ekle- what does the military screen say about army size? [00:57] <+plex_forumsandchat> fortify then? [00:57] <+CivGeneral> All calculations result in a <50.0% chance of a successfull attack [00:57] <+XPenguin> okay [00:57] <+XPenguin> we shouldnt do it then [00:57] <+XPenguin> too risky [00:57] <@Eklektikos> compared to them we have a strng military [00:57] <+XPenguin> IMHO [00:57] <@Chieftess> But, there's an archer on the mountain. [00:57] <+XPenguin> okay [00:57] <@Chieftess> Should we move our troops around? [00:58] <+plex_forumsandchat> if we attack, we will defeat that spear [00:58] <@Chieftess> 1 SW to the other mountain? [00:58] <+donsig> still turn 5? [00:58] <@Eklektikos> you know, I think we should attack... [00:58] <+bill_in_pdx> our problem is that we will not have additional forces in the area for some time. If we assume that the city has two defenders, then we stand a good chance of winning [00:58] <+recon1591> or move to the mountian [00:58] <+XPenguin> your decision [00:59] <@Eklektikos> we'll lose some of those archers, sure, but I think we'd take the city [00:59] <+CivGeneral> Plex, The chances of the Sworsmen vs. Azt Spearmen is 42.8% [00:59] <@Chieftess> If we do attack, should we attack with the archers first? [00:59] <+plex_forumsandchat> yes, archers first [00:59] <+XPenguin> if we loose less then 3, id be for it [00:59] <+recon1591> yes the archers [00:59] <@Eklektikos> archers first, mop up with the sword if necessary [00:59] <+CivGeneral> Lets attack with one archer to see what happens [00:59] <+bill_in_pdx> I calc the sword (3) vs. fort. spear(3) at 54% in our favor [00:59] <+XPenguin> okay [00:59] <+recon1591> yes [01:00] <+recon1591> archer [01:00] <@Eklektikos> ok, so attack? [01:00] <+bill_in_pdx> CG, what are you using for your odds calc? [01:01] <+CivGeneral> I am using the Civ3CombCalc. Since the swordsmen has only 3 hip point [01:01] <+CivGeneral> I had to use the corrisponding hit point [01:01] <+bill_in_pdx> I am using the one at [01:01] <+CivGeneral> Same here ;) [01:01] <+bill_in_pdx> I noted too that it was 3 HP for the sword [01:02] <+BlueStrider> I always use the civ assistants combat calc [01:02] <+bill_in_pdx> regular spear, fortified in a town on grassland [01:02] <+CivGeneral> Ekl: Attack with one Archer to see what happens, If successful notify me for further instructions [01:02] <@Eklektikos> ok [01:02] <+CivGeneral> I use hill as the defensive factor [01:03] * @Chieftess issues an order from the trade department to all merchants to be viligiant. :-) [01:03] <+bill_in_pdx> the city on a hill? [01:03] <+CivGeneral> Since the terrain underneath the city had some evidence of a hill [01:03] <@Eklektikos> result = one dead archer [01:03] <+XPenguin> are we attacking? [01:03] <+bill_in_pdx> we can check that [01:03] <@Chieftess> :( [01:03] <+XPenguin> did we attacl? [01:03] <+XPenguin> attack*? [01:04] <+XPenguin> :( [01:04] <+bill_in_pdx> ek, is that a hill the city is on? [01:04] <@Chieftess> press ctrl-shift-m [01:04] <@Falcon02_EE> :-( [01:04] <+CivGeneral> Did we inflict any damages [01:04] <@Eklektikos> nope, the city is on plains [01:04] <+bill_in_pdx> bad luck then [01:04] <+XPenguin> to damage or hill? [01:04] <+bill_in_pdx> it's basically 50/50 with the archers [01:05] <@Eklektikos> no idea, CG - battle animation is (or rather, was) off so I couldn't tell [01:05] <+CivGeneral> Any damages to the Aztec Spearmen [01:05] <+bill_in_pdx> another spearman (3) there now? [01:05] <+CivGeneral> Ie. lowered the Spearmen's hit points [01:05] <+recon1591> move to mountain and fortify. get reinforcements [01:06] <@Chieftess> But, then the spear will heal... [01:06] <@Eklektikos> I think it's the same one... dn't think we hurt it at all [01:06] <@Chieftess> Do you have battle animations on? [01:06] <@Eklektikos> I do now... but I didn't then [01:06] <+CivGeneral> Move them SW onto the mountan and then fortify [01:07] <+CivGeneral> Await for Reenforcements to arrive [01:07] <@Eklektikos> sure? [01:07] <@Chieftess> 1,000 troops, dead.. (1 unit = about 1,000 troops)... [01:07] <@Eklektikos> dont start that again CT... :-p [01:07] <@Chieftess> what? :) [01:08] <+XPenguin> what turn are we on? [01:08] <@Eklektikos> still turn 5 [01:08] *** sike1 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [01:08] * +CivGeneral dooing calculations on defense on the mountans [01:08] *** ChanServ 4[voices] sike1 [01:09] <+sike1> what's up? are we still debating attack? [01:09] <@Eklektikos> CG, I think we should press on with the attack... [01:09] <@Chieftess> yes, we're heading for the mountains. [01:09] <@Chieftess> 1 archer unit dead. [01:09] <@Falcon02_EE> bah!... who needs calculations [01:09] <+bill_in_pdx> with no animations, you may well have damaged a spear, and now the second one we should have expected is on top [01:10] <+recon1591> go for the mountains [01:10] <@Chieftess> It'd be nice if there was an intimidation factor put into the battle algorithm... [01:10] <+sike1> you attacked w/one archer and lost? [01:10] * +CivGeneral was hoping that the Aztec Spearmen had been dammaged [01:10] <@Chieftess> Have 5x as many troops as the city, and their defense might be lowered.. :) [01:10] <@Eklektikos> Cyc: yes [01:11] <+XPenguin> that would be nice [01:11] <+recon1591> try 1 more archer then [01:11] <+sike1> i say press on [01:11] <+CivGeneral> Another Kamakazi attack by the Archer [01:11] <+sike1> hit them where it hurts [01:11] <@Chieftess> I say defend on the mountain and wait for reinforcements... [01:11] <+recon1591> if lose move to mountain [01:11] <@Chieftess> We already lost 1... [01:11] <@Eklektikos> CT, I'm not sure how much of a force we'll have left if we move to the mountains [01:12] <+donsig> our troops are heading for the hills already? [01:12] <+CivGeneral> The first Kamakazi Archer attck failed [01:12] * @Falcon02_EE wants to see save [01:12] <@Chieftess> Let the former general see. :) [01:12] <+bill_in_pdx> I think if you use another archer, you have to commit to using all of them, I suspect there are two spears, and we damaged one [01:12] <+donsig> yeah, get turn 5 over and post a save :) [01:12] <@Eklektikos> I agree with bill [01:13] <+sike1> i would attack full bore [01:13] <+XPenguin> yes [01:13] <+donsig> pound 'em, fill 'em full of arrows [01:13] <@Eklektikos> I too would favour an all out attack [01:13] <+bill_in_pdx> lol [01:13] <+bill_in_pdx> it's a 50/50 shot...I can go either way on it, but lets not piecemeal our force...full assault or nothing [01:14] <+recon1591> how fast are our citiies making units to replace these [01:14] *** Octavian_X ( 4[joined] #demogame. [01:14] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Octavian_X [01:14] <@Chieftess> Hi Octavian [01:14] <+XPenguin> hello octavian [01:14] <+plex_forumsandchat> full assult! [01:14] <+recon1591> hi [01:14] <+Octavian_X> hello [01:14] <+plex_forumsandchat> hi octavian [01:14] <@Eklektikos> Hi Octavian [01:14] <+sike1> hey [01:14] *** ChanServ 4[ops] Octavian_X [01:14] <@Octavian_X> hi [01:15] <@Octavian_X> what have I missed? [01:15] <+CivGeneral> Actualy the Odds are Archer attack sucess 36.3% and Aztec Spearmen defend sucess 63.8% [01:15] <+sike1> everything [01:15] <@Chieftess> We got Tlaxcala [01:15] <+XPenguin> we got a (1) city [01:15] <@Octavian_X> let's rename it! [01:15] <@Chieftess> And Tenochtitlan is under seige. [01:15] <+bill_in_pdx> how are you getting that CG? The city is not on a hill [01:15] <@Eklektikos> and built Kuhkuff [01:15] <+CivGeneral> So its more like 36/64 [01:15] <@Chieftess> Who came up with Kuhkuff? (and where'd that name come from?) :) [01:16] <+recon1591> wiat for reinforcements [01:16] <+donsig> dis [01:16] <+CivGeneral> I know, I have heard it was on plains [01:16] <+donsig> waiting would be the Fanatikan way - look how long we waited to start the bloody war! [01:16] <+bill_in_pdx> I get 50/50 odds [01:16] <+BlueStrider> Who is winning right now? [01:17] <+sike1> sounds like a call between CG and the Prez [01:17] <+donsig> we could flip the military leader [01:17] <+donsig> call heads or tails [01:17] <+CivGeneral> I would recomend moving them to the mountan and wait for reenforcement to arrive [01:17] <+sike1> :) [01:17] <@Falcon02_EE> ?? [01:17] <+plex_forumsandchat> attack [01:17] <+plex_forumsandchat> IMO [01:17] <+recon1591> attack 1 more time with a archer and see [01:17] * @Falcon02_EE wants to see save first [01:18] <@Octavian_X> we've nothing to liose... [01:18] <+bill_in_pdx> I would be curious to hear Falcons opinion [01:18] <+donsig> You may fire when ready Griddley [01:18] * +CivGeneral is wondering about the gamble to attack [01:18] <@Eklektikos> ok, I'll upload a save for Falc [01:18] <@Falcon02_EE> thx [01:18] <+donsig> Are we trying for a record time for one turn? [01:19] <+donsig> you have to post a save at the end of turn 5 anyway [01:19] <@Chieftess> Cyc - you're officially the governor now (I think), i just voted. :) [01:19] <+donsig> shoot the arrows and lets go [01:19] <+XPenguin> yea [01:19] <+sike1> I was Gov at the begining of the t/c [01:19] <@Chieftess> ok [01:19] <+donsig> no one has bet on Lit [01:19] <+donsig> I think that is ironic [01:20] <+CivGeneral> Lets try one more with the archer [01:20] <+sike1> Mr. Strider ushered me in... [01:20] <+donsig> I named my newest race horse Bronze Chieftess :) [01:21] <+donsig> in honor of the mother ofour country [01:21] <@Chieftess> :) [01:21] *** Chieftess has 4[morphed] into "Mother_Chieftess" [01:21] <@Octavian_X> ... [01:21] <+XPenguin> lol [01:21] <+sike1> I think Donsig wants to polish you CT [01:21] <@Octavian_X> lol [01:21] <+XPenguin> okay.... [01:21] *** Falcon02_EE has 4[morphed] into "Father_Falcon02" [01:21] <@Mother_Chieftess> haha [01:21] <@Father_Falcon02> remember this :-) [01:22] <@Mother_Chieftess> yeah [01:22] <+sike1> pappa [01:22] *** Octavian_X has 4[morphed] into "Brother_Octavian" [01:22] * +XPenguin wonders whats with all the inuendo in the TC tonight? [01:22] <+CivGeneral> Ahem... Lets try one more archer and see what happens [01:22] <@Brother_Octavian> sure [01:22] *** CivGeneral has 4[morphed] into "Uncle_CivGeneral" [01:22] *** XPenguin has 4[morphed] into "Apple_based_ranter" [01:22] *** Uncle_CivGeneral has 4[morphed] into "CivGeneral" [01:22] <@Eklektikos> [01:22] <+Apple_based_ranter> ? [01:22] <@Eklektikos> there's your save, falc [01:22] <+Apple_based_ranter> o, the save [01:23] <@Father_Falcon02> thanks [01:23] *** Eklektikos has 4[morphed] into "Magic_Pig_Detective" [01:23] *** plex_forumsandchat has 4[morphed] into "Plexus_estranged_second_cousin" [01:23] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> if we're being silly... [01:23] * +CivGeneral bangs head on table [01:24] *** Brother_Octavian has 4[morphed] into "Doughnut_Eater" [01:24] *** Pau|a (as@ 4[joined] #demogame. [01:24] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Pau|a [01:24] *** Plexus_estranged_second_cousin has 4[morphed] into "Super_hyperbole_commander" [01:24] *** Apple_based_ranter has 4[morphed] into "Hotdog_Man" [01:24] <@Mother_Chieftess> And this all started when Cyc I think said "Yes Mother Chieftess" in the other turn chat.. [01:24] <+Hotdog_Man> hear hear! [01:24] <@Doughnut_Eater> a single line... [01:24] *** Hotdog_Man has 4[morphed] into "Lorean_Bobbit" [01:24] <+Super_hyperbole_commander> yay! [01:24] <+sike1> :) [01:24] <+donsig> attack [01:24] <+Lorean_Bobbit> this remind anyone of anything? [01:24] <+CivGeneral> Ahem... Free Doughnuts [01:24] <+donsig> While there is a break in the action I'd like to plug the FRLA [01:24] <@Mother_Chieftess> ok peng, that's enough [01:25] <+Lorean_Bobbit> you got the reference... [01:25] <@Doughnut_Eater> all I can say is that we're really going to confuse anyone who reads the log... [01:25] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> having uploaded that damned save I'd like to hear Falc's take on the situation before committing to action [01:25] <+Super_hyperbole_commander> :) [01:25] *** Lorean_Bobbit has 4[morphed] into "Opus_The_Penguin" [01:25] <+donsig> there's over 4000g bet on Race 1 - place your wagers now - the race runs tomorrow! [01:25] <+CivGeneral> Ok back to normal, please [01:25] <+Opus_The_Penguin> ill just be Opus for now [01:25] <+Pau|a> ??? [01:25] <+Opus_The_Penguin> okay [01:25] *** Doughnut_Eater has 4[morphed] into "Octavian" [01:25] * +Pau|a blur... [01:25] <+Opus_The_Penguin> Opus, the cartoon [01:25] <+Opus_The_Penguin> bill knows what I mean [01:25] <+Opus_The_Penguin> right? [01:25] * +CivGeneral bangs head in table [01:25] <+sike1> i can still bet on Lit? [01:26] *** Opus_The_Penguin has 4[morphed] into "XPenguin" [01:26] <+XPenguin> back [01:26] <+donsig> yes, still taking bets [01:26] <+bill_in_pdx> Opus is a great penguin [01:26] <+sike1> brb [01:26] <+XPenguin> okay, ffor the sake of log readers lets stop [01:26] <+Pau|a> r u guys chineses? [01:26] <+CivGeneral> Agree [01:26] <+Super_hyperbole_commander> aww... [01:26] <+XPenguin> ? [01:26] <@Father_Falcon02> hmm... [01:26] <+BlueStrider> Ok..... I don't want to know why CT is Mother_Cheiftess..... Anyway How is the war going? [01:26] *** Super_hyperbole_commander has 4[morphed] into "Plexust" [01:26] *** Pau|a (as@ 4[left] #demogame. [01:27] <+donsig> [01:27] <+XPenguin> long story... [01:27] <@Father_Falcon02> try 1 more Archer [01:27] <+CivGeneral> Ahem... Lets try one more attack with the archer :) [01:27] <+donsig> lottery jackpot is 800g, too! [01:27] <+BlueStrider> I bet [01:27] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> ok [01:27] <@Father_Falcon02> if that fails fortify the rest on the mount [01:27] <+recon1591> yes [01:27] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> launching the attack [01:27] <+CivGeneral> I was about to say that [01:27] <@Father_Falcon02> :-) [01:27] <+XPenguin> okay, president Magic Pig [01:27] <+donsig> may our arrows strike true [01:27] <@Mother_Chieftess> haha [01:27] <+BlueStrider> ....ok.... That's slightly weird.... Father_Falcon..... I'll go back into my quiet stage if no one minds [01:28] <+XPenguin> who heres good at flash? [01:28] <@Father_Falcon02> lol [01:28] *** Father_Falcon02 has 4[morphed] into "Falcon02" [01:28] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> knocked off just 1hp [01:28] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> and died horribly [01:28] <+XPenguin> us or them? [01:28] <@Mother_Chieftess> and...?? [01:28] <@Mother_Chieftess> wah!! [01:28] <@Mother_Chieftess> :( [01:28] <@Falcon02> :-( [01:28] <+donsig> and the one showing now has how many hps? [01:28] <@Octavian> no.... [01:28] <+CivGeneral> :( [01:28] <+Plexust> :( [01:28] <+XPenguin> :_( [01:28] <@Falcon02> Fortify on mount [01:28] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> and the spear promoted [01:28] <@Octavian> oh well... [01:28] <+CivGeneral> No [01:29] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> the one on defence still has 3hp [01:29] <@Mother_Chieftess> I knew we should've gone on the mountain in the first place... [01:29] <@Falcon02> :-( [01:29] <@Magic_Pig_Detective> and tere are definitely at least two of them [01:29] <+CivGeneral> Same here [01:29] *** Mother_Chieftess has 4[morphed] into "Chieftess" [01:29] <+recon1591> move to mountains [01:29] <+XPenguin> okay [01:29] <+CivGeneral> Move SW onto the mountans and fortify [01:29] <@Falcon02> funny since you backed up what I said [01:29] <+donsig> what will they do on the mountain - wait to die? [01:29] <+CivGeneral> And await Reenforcements [01:29] <+XPenguin> President Pig, can you please go back to normal [01:29] <+BlueStrider> lol [01:29] <@Chieftess> hehe [01:30] <+CivGeneral> hehe [01:30] *** Magic_Pig_Detective has 4[morphed] into "Eklektikos" [01:30] <@Falcon02> our president can really bring home the bacon :-) [01:30] <+BlueStrider> We now found a nickname for Eklek [01:30] <+Plexust> president pig, i like it [01:30] <@Chieftess> Remember the last demogame when we had cameflouge colors? :) [01:30] <+XPenguin> I like it to [01:30] <+XPenguin> so who heres good at flash? [01:30] <@Eklektikos> that reminds me that I must go and check out CGN again sometime soon :-) [01:30] <@Falcon02> ohh, the rainbow t/c [01:30] <@Falcon02> :-) [01:30] <+Plexust> nome [01:30] *** Falcon02 has 4[morphed] into "Falcon02_the_red" [01:30] <+BlueStrider> Now.... You guys need to get started on my nickname.... I have blue, strider, BS, and hey you so far ;) [01:31] <@Eklektikos> anyway [01:31] <@Eklektikos> fortifying on the mountain :-( [01:31] * +CivGeneral adopts the Civ2 anceiant Military Advisor guy's voice [01:31] <+CivGeneral> Give me more solders noble leader [01:31] <+XPenguin> Penguin, SaaM, Stuck, Penguin Boy (remind me to sue donsig over emotional distress) Opus [01:31] * @Chieftess 1,4[8,4 Civ Update 1,4] The War is going slowly, and our troops are awaiting reinforcements. [01:32] *** Octavian has 4[morphed] into "Octavian_forums" [01:32] * @Chieftess adopts Civ2 Trade Advisors style... [01:32] <+XPenguin> Mr Piggie, can we have a army comparison update? [01:32] <@Chieftess> "There are more important matters than this blunted SPEARPOINT to attend TO!" :-) [01:32] <@Falcon02_the_red> Let's go Fanatika let's go!! [01:32] <@Eklektikos> on the plus side, I did just finish off that girly little Jag [01:32] <+CivGeneral> lol [01:33] <@Chieftess> I once had every line memorized! [01:33] <@Octavian_forums> that;s good.... [01:33] <@Chieftess> Even the anarchy lines [01:33] <+CivGeneral> Ahh. Now thats a challenge, the Anarchy lines [01:33] <+CivGeneral> They all talk at the same time [01:33] <@Chieftess> I knew this would happen! You knew -ahh..- this would -Ahh ahhh- happen! I tried- 'you'll have NO more - to tell -God's pity - you! *boom!* :) [01:34] * @Falcon02_the_red always liked how the Military advisor always drank beer and sang during war :-) [01:34] <@Chieftess> the ahh is 'elvis' singing. [01:34] <@Falcon02_the_red> I miss that [01:34] <@Chieftess> haha [01:34] <+CivGeneral> hehe [01:34] <@Chieftess> You couldn't hear the science advisor, though.. [01:35] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 5 [01:35] <@Eklektikos> 1150BC, 41 gold, +11 gpt, Literature in 28 turns [01:35] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [01:35] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Spearman in 4 [01:35] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 3, Growth in 3, Worker in 1 [01:35] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 7, Swordsman in 4 [01:35] <@Eklektikos> Kuhhuff: Size = 1, Growth in 5, Settler in 13 [01:35] <+Plexust> ok [01:35] <+CivGeneral> k [01:35] <@Chieftess> We're building a settler in Kuhkuff? [01:35] <@Eklektikos> uploading yet ANOTHER save.... [01:35] <@Eklektikos> yes, we are [01:35] <@Octavian_forums> are we gpomg to rename the aztec city we captured, Mr. Pig? [01:35] <+XPenguin> well, i guess *killing* off some of our military gets us GPT [01:35] <+Plexust> i reccomend Piggia [01:35] <@Falcon02_the_red> maybe we should ask Sid at the next Fraxis chat [01:36] <+XPenguin> regarding what? [01:36] <@Falcon02_the_red> true, Tux [01:36] <@Octavian_forums> donsig will get to name that city, if we do rename... [01:36] <@Falcon02_the_red> lol :-) [01:36] *** bill_in_pdx ( 4[left] #demogame. [01:36] <+XPenguin> yes [01:37] <+XPenguin> then... shaitan? [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> I want Falcon's Haven back [01:37] <@Octavian_forums> did he get an honor? *groan* [01:37] <+XPenguin> New New Falcons Haven? [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> however I feel I should think of something more original should I get a choice [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> lol [01:37] <+Plexust> or Civ3 style Falcon's Haven 2 [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> or go with the Civ III naming thing [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> yeah [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> or New Falcon's Haven 2 [01:37] <@Octavian_forums> Newer Flac's haven [01:37] <@Falcon02_the_red> however, the "new" has kinda grown on me :-) [01:38] <@Chieftess> Flac? :) Or Flaxcala. :) [01:38] <+Plexust> New and Improved Falcons Haven [01:38] <+CivGeneral> Firs New Haven and then New Falcon's Haven :p [01:38] <@Chieftess> Naifh [01:38] <+XPenguin> does it cost less and do more? [01:39] <@Falcon02_the_red> of course I also had "Falcon's Nest" [01:39] <@Eklektikos> [01:39] <+CivGeneral> k :) [01:40] <@Chieftess> I just love to look at Falcon's SC3K city. :) [01:40] <@Falcon02_the_red> my brother has a claim to "Deermount" [01:40] <@Falcon02_the_red> I forgot I gave that too you [01:40] <@Falcon02_the_red> :-) [01:40] <+donsig> anyone in #rebelpub? [01:40] <+CivGeneral> nope :) [01:41] <@Chieftess> looking at the save now... (after unzipping) [01:41] <+donsig> sike - care to join me in the pub for a few minutes? [01:41] <+XPenguin> donsig #rebelpub [01:41] <+XPenguin> u added a ? [01:42] <@Eklektikos> it's called a "question", Penguin.... [01:42] <@Eklektikos> ;-) [01:42] <+XPenguin> yes, i know mr piggie [01:42] <@Chieftess> I'm looking at any possible deals [01:42] <@Chieftess> Babs have math, but want a hefty sum. [01:43] <+XPenguin> how much? [01:43] <@Chieftess> 10gpt, and all our gold [01:43] <@Chieftess> Persia has math and philosophy [01:43] <@Eklektikos> hmmm [01:43] <+sike1> sure donsig [01:43] *** sike1 ( 4[left] #demogame. [01:43] <@Chieftess> Rome has math.. [01:44] <@Falcon02_the_red> if it weren't for that 10gpt [01:44] <+XPenguin> yea [01:44] <+XPenguin> the 10gpt is to much [01:44] <+Plexust> brb [01:44] <@Chieftess> Egypt has math and phil. [01:44] *** Plexust has 4[morphed] into "plex_away" [01:45] <@Chieftess> Greece has math [01:45] * @Falcon02_the_red wishes there was a tech chart [01:45] <+XPenguin> they did a deal [01:45] <+BlueStrider> tech chart? [01:45] <@Falcon02_the_red> to easily see if there was someone with math who didn't have writing [01:45] <+XPenguin> who has the least money [01:46] <@Falcon02_the_red> Egypt [01:46] <@Chieftess> Iro, China, Japan and India has math [01:46] <@Falcon02_the_red> 1g [01:46] * +BlueStrider wonders why the AI's are always poor [01:46] <@Chieftess> Zulus don't have writing, I think. [01:46] <+BlueStrider> What do they have? [01:46] <@Chieftess> 14g [01:46] <@Falcon02_the_red> well, they'll go down to 9 gpt :-) [01:47] <@Chieftess> France doesn't have writing. [01:47] <@Chieftess> But, no math/phil [01:47] <@Falcon02_the_red> SHOOT [01:47] <@Falcon02_the_red> Tried to hit D... hit next turn instead [01:47] <+XPenguin> err [01:48] * @Falcon02_the_red must shut up about certian things now :-( [01:48] <+BlueStrider> Ilol [01:48] <+CivGeneral> lol [01:48] *** Disconnected [01:49] *** Attempting to rejoin... [01:49] *** Now Talking in #demogame. [01:49] *** Topic is ' Civ3 Game of Democracy Chatroom. Forum is at 12Next Turn Chat - Wednesday, October23rd (5:00pm EDT - 10:00pm GMT)' [01:49] *** Set by Chieftess on Tue Oct 22 17:41:09 [01:49] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Eklektikos-Away [01:49] <+Eklektikos-Away> 3° Whoa! a nifty lookin' + thingie!! 3° [01:49] <@Chieftess> Eklektikos left? [01:49] *** Eklektikos has quit IRC (Kill by NickServ (GHOST command used by Eklektikos-Away)) [01:49] <+BlueStrider> I guess so [01:49] <+CivGeneral> There are two of him [01:50] *** Chieftess 4[ops] Eklektikos-Away [01:50] <@Eklektikos-Away> 12° I got the powwa stick! 12° [01:50] * @Eklektikos-Away has left the Chat. Reason: [Idle for 10 mins. (Auto-away Activated)] Pager: ON [01:50] * @Eklektikos-Away has Returned (Been gone 3secs) [01:50] *** Eklektikos-Away has 4[morphed] into "Eklektikos" [01:50] <@Eklektikos> hmmph [01:50] <@Eklektikos> bloody dial-up [01:50] <+BlueStrider> AH!!!! THE PIG HAS GONE NUTS! (just incase the have the caps kicker on ;)) [01:50] <+CivGeneral> lol Watch out for the Flying Boot [01:50] <@Falcon02_the_red> reminds me of a biblical story [01:51] *** sike2 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [01:51] *** ChanServ 4[voices] sike2 [01:51] <+XPenguin> lol [01:51] <+BlueStrider> CG: It's not the boot! I get hit with the constitution! [01:51] <+CivGeneral> lol [01:51] <@Falcon02_the_red> moral of the story... when your a pig, don't hang around a possessed guy while Jesus is around [01:51] <+XPenguin> good old Jebus... [01:51] <+BlueStrider> lol [01:51] <@Eklektikos> hmm [01:51] <@Eklektikos> anyway [01:52] <@Eklektikos> CT, have you finished your trade review? [01:52] <+BlueStrider> Eklek: We "were" discussing it ;) [01:52] <@Chieftess> yes [01:52] <+XPenguin> can we afford anything? [01:52] <@Chieftess> Everything is very expensive right now. [01:52] <@Chieftess> Not without paying 10gpt! [01:52] <@Eklektikos> then we can forget about trade this TC [01:53] <+XPenguin> can we do like 5gpt while paying more upfront? [01:53] <@Chieftess> I really don't like depleting our income... [01:53] <@Eklektikos> we don't have much to pay upfront, and I blieve those are 10gpt + all current gold deals [01:53] <+BlueStrider> Neither do I.... We need it for are war efforts [01:53] <+CivGeneral> We need money for the military and Science [01:53] <@Eklektikos> 10gpt is crippling this early on [01:53] <@Eklektikos> so, we carry on? [01:54] <+XPenguin> yes [01:54] <+BlueStrider> CG: I was planning on asking for money for rushing libires till the war is over and we have republic/monarcy [01:54] <+CivGeneral> true [01:55] <@Eklektikos> ok... so [01:55] <@Chieftess> recon - feel free to make suggestions here instead of the MSN chat. [01:55] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [01:55] <@Chieftess> No one is going to bite you. :) [01:55] <+XPenguin> yes [01:55] <+BlueStrider> Yes [01:55] <+XPenguin> ? [01:55] <@Chieftess> ok, I'm going to type what recon said. :) [01:55] <@Chieftess> Don't be so timid. [01:55] <+BlueStrider> HIT ENTER - Demogame I victory chat [01:55] <@Chieftess> says: [01:55] <@Chieftess> civ. move archer to city.and bring some swordsman to aid in attacking the other 1 [01:57] <@Eklektikos> pressing enter... [01:57] <@Octavian_forums> good... [01:57] <+donsig> sike? [01:57] <+sike2> be bold recon... [01:57] <+sike2> what? [01:57] <+donsig> did you leave the pub discussion? [01:58] <+sike2> sorry, I'm trying to read three things at once [01:58] <+BlueStrider> Pig: Can you give me the current sci/lux/treasury when you can [01:58] *** plex_away has 4[morphed] into "plexust" [01:58] <@Eklektikos> Elite jag munches on our archer near tlax. sitts grinning with 3hp left and a golden age to boot [01:58] <@Falcon02_the_red> 10-10-80 [01:59] <+BlueStrider> :( [01:59] <@Chieftess> recon just played a turn... he's a newbie though [01:59] <@Chieftess> says: [01:59] <@Chieftess> civ. move archer to city.and bring some swordsman to aid in attacking the other 1 [01:59] <@Chieftess> says: [01:59] <@Chieftess> your going to lose the archer at start of the turn [01:59] <@Chieftess> Chieftess says: [01:59] <@Chieftess> remember, don't play the game. [01:59] <@Chieftess> says: [01:59] <@Chieftess> oppsss. [01:59] <+BlueStrider> lol [01:59] <@Chieftess> poor newbies. :) [02:00] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Worker --> Settler [02:00] <+XPenguin> didnt he read the forum? [02:00] <+plexust> i can't say it didn't happen to me... once [02:00] <+BlueStrider> Recon just say it was an accident.... Everyone gets away with that excuse [02:00] <+XPenguin> we have a worker? [02:00] <@Eklektikos> the English are building the Colossus [02:00] <@Octavian_forums> ohh... [02:00] <+XPenguin> okay [02:00] <+CivGeneral> k [02:00] <+BlueStrider> Eklek: Can you give me the current sci/lux/treasury percent? [02:00] <@Eklektikos> Indians building the Oracle... [02:01] <+plexust> 1.1.8 [02:01] * @Falcon02_the_red already saw that ;-) [02:01] <@Eklektikos> sci/tax/lux = 1/8/1 [02:01] <+BlueStrider> Ok... Thanks plexust [02:01] <+BlueStrider> and eklek [02:01] <+plexust> :) [02:01] <@Eklektikos> arrr, the boy has the sight, arrrr.... [02:02] <@Octavian_forums> lol [02:02] <+BlueStrider> ?? The sight? [02:02] <+XPenguin> ? [02:02] <@Chieftess> recon too, I think. :-) [02:02] <+donsig> gotta go [02:02] <+donsig> have fun people [02:02] <@Octavian_forums> adios [02:02] <+BlueStrider> Must be an old people thing ;) [02:02] <+BlueStrider> Bye donsig [02:02] *** donsig ( 4[left] #demogame. [02:02] <@Eklektikos> bye donsig [02:03] <+XPenguin> bye [02:03] <+BlueStrider> Alittle late stuck ;) [02:03] <+XPenguin> better late then never.. [02:03] <+BlueStrider> lol [02:03] <+CivGeneral> lol [02:04] * +BlueStrider thinks the rule no off-topic discussions during T/C ended when he started coming to them more [02:04] <+recon1591> sorry [02:04] <+XPenguin> hello [02:04] <+BlueStrider> Now we need to get Tore and Casper to talk [02:04] <@Eklektikos> ok, moving units... [02:05] <+recon1591> haven't had time to read it all yet [02:05] <@Chieftess> recon, you don't have to hide in the shadows. :) [02:05] <+recon1591> so i see you got me connected somehow [02:06] <+BlueStrider> ?? [02:06] <+BlueStrider> I'm guessing recon is close to my age ;) [02:07] <+recon1591> that depends strider [02:07] <+recon1591> i"m 38 [02:07] <@Chieftess> haha [02:07] <@Octavian_forums> lol [02:07] <@Chieftess> Strider's not even close! [02:07] <+BlueStrider> .... Ok.... Not even close.... [02:07] <@Falcon02_the_red> I'm off to study [02:07] <+recon1591> thanks [02:07] <+BlueStrider> Your about 3x older than me [02:07] <@Falcon02_the_red> good luck [02:07] <@Chieftess> 3 times his age. [02:08] *** Falcon02_the_red has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [02:08] <@Chieftess> Anything on the war front Eklektikos? [02:08] <+recon1591> but i'm ex military green berets [02:08] <+XPenguin> o [02:08] <+BlueStrider> I'm an Ex-7th grager :) [02:08] <@Chieftess> with poor grammar. ;) [02:08] <+recon1591> so i love WAR [02:09] <@Eklektikos> currently moving our forces to make sure we hol what we've taken. bringing up the reinforcements [02:09] <+BlueStrider> CT: You already pick on me for my grammer.... [02:09] <+recon1591> 5TH SF [02:09] <+BlueStrider> *grader [02:09] <@Chieftess> and it's grammar. ;) [02:09] <+BlueStrider> ;-P [02:09] <+CivGeneral> Whats a Grammer? :p [02:09] <@Eklektikos> a warmonger eh? Welcome to the demogame! :-) [02:09] <+BlueStrider> CG: Something you lack ;) [02:09] <+recon1591> don't feel bad i cann't speel iether [02:09] <+recon1591> see [02:10] <+BlueStrider> lol [02:10] <+recon1591> either [02:10] <+XPenguin> good to see more war based people [02:10] <+recon1591> WAR is my game [02:10] <+BlueStrider> SCIENCE is my game ;) [02:10] <@Chieftess> Maybe you can whip the war production into shape. :) [02:10] <+recon1591> thats why i love civ [02:11] <@Chieftess> TRA [02:11] * +CivGeneral is waiting for Octavian X's responce with the Doughnuts [02:11] <@Chieftess> TRADE is my game. :) [02:11] <+BlueStrider> PRESIDENT is CT's game also [02:11] <@Chieftess> and Domestic... [02:11] <@Eklektikos> not anymore, (I hope) [02:11] <@Eklektikos> ;-) [02:11] <+XPenguin> yea? [02:11] <@Octavian_forums> doughnut's my game :D [02:11] <@Chieftess> But, I don't think I'm as good as Cyc. :) [02:12] * +BlueStrider wonders who was the best in Science [02:12] <+BlueStrider> Not very much to choose from their ;) [02:12] <@Chieftess> Anyway, any updates? [02:12] <+BlueStrider> CT: I think that's what were waiting on [02:14] * +BlueStrider is wondering why is sock is red..... [02:15] * +BlueStrider wonders what happened to President Pig [02:15] * @Chieftess listens to an echo... [02:16] * +CivGeneral listens for a bird [02:16] * @Octavian_forums is getting slightly excited [02:16] * +BlueStrider is bored and needs to take is ADHD medicine soon [02:16] <@Eklektikos> I'm here... just finding out from Cyc exactly what should be built in the new city [02:16] * +CivGeneral watches Octavian X jump up and down [02:17] <@Eklektikos> new as in captured [02:17] <@Octavian_forums> i thought it was my chance... [02:17] <+BlueStrider> ?? [02:17] * +CivGeneral watches Octavian sits back in his chair [02:18] <@Octavian_forums> oh well, i'm off to acroama to get my new palace built :D [02:18] * +BlueStrider sets his feet up on the table and leans back in his chair with his hands behind his head [02:18] <+plexust> how do you do the narration thing? [02:18] <+BlueStrider> type /me [02:18] <@Chieftess> type: /me [02:18] <+CivGeneral> use /me text here [02:18] <+BlueStrider> then what you want to say [02:18] * @Octavian_forums is saying stuff he wants to say [02:18] * +plexust can do this now [02:18] <+XPenguin> ive got to go now [02:18] * @Chieftess is taking cover [02:18] <@Chieftess> bye [02:19] <+plexust> bye [02:19] <+XPenguin> good luck with the war [02:19] *** XPenguin has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [02:19] <+recon1591> bye [02:19] <+sike2> Eklektikos, I'm sorry. what does the captured city have in it? any improvements? a garrison? [02:19] * +BlueStrider wonders why a bird is attending the T?C [02:19] * +BlueStrider wonders who Eklektikos is [02:20] <@Eklektikos> Cyc: no improvements, and two swords acting as garrison at the mo [02:20] *** Guest19072 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [02:20] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest19072 [02:20] * +plexust plexus thinks Roten is just as much a citizen as Strider is... [02:20] <+sike2> i would say spear [02:20] <@Eklektikos> ok [02:20] <+plexust> cool, i said my name twice [02:20] * +BlueStrider mumbles something about his stupid ADHD [02:21] *** Guest19072 has 4[morphed] into "Shecky101" [02:21] * +BlueStrider shots plexust with a 50 cal. automatic single shot trout [02:21] <@Chieftess> Hi shecky [02:21] * +plexust got shots :p [02:21] <+recon1591> hi [02:21] <+BlueStrider> Ok.... I think I better go take my medicine.... I'll be able to pay attention better :) [02:21] <+sike2> ok [02:22] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 6 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> 1125BC, 53 gold, +10 gpt, Literature in 27 turns [02:22] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Spearman in 3 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 3, Growth in 2, Settler in 6 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 6, Swordsman in 3 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> Kuhkuff: Size = 1, Growth in 4, Settler in 12 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> Tlaxcala: Size = 1, Growth in 9, Spearman in 9 [02:22] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [02:22] <+sike2> please [02:22] <+BlueStrider> Dang it.... My dog took over the kitchen :( [02:22] <@Eklektikos> pressing enter.... [02:23] <@Chieftess> Then sign an ROP with your dog. :p [02:23] <+CivGeneral> lol [02:23] <@Octavian_forums> i have to go... good luck! [02:23] *** Octavian_forums has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [02:23] <+sike2> cya [02:23] <@Chieftess> bye [02:23] <+CivGeneral> Bye Octavian X [02:24] <+recon1591> byr [02:24] <+BlueStrider> I can't.... It's mad it me, because I took over the living room and it's sleeping area.... So it moved into my terroirty :( [02:24] <@Eklektikos> Japan is demanding 21gold... [02:24] <+BlueStrider> Refuse and risk war... or pay the tribute [02:24] * @Chieftess hides [02:25] <+sike2> I say give it to them [02:25] <+plexust> oh dang [02:25] <@Chieftess> We're becoming weak to the AI... [02:25] <+sike2> we need to build up our forces [02:25] <+plexust> refuse! Fanatika does not negotiate with terrorists! [02:25] <@Eklektikos> I say give it to them also [02:25] <@Chieftess> too much war and too little expansion. [02:25] <+BlueStrider> I say refuse.... It will make us seem weak to everyone if we pay it and it might lower the price for aztec allies and we'd be in trouble then [02:25] <+BlueStrider> Japan is far away also [02:25] <+sike2> Japan is strong [02:25] <@Eklektikos> not THAT far away [02:26] <+recon1591> WAR FORCES is what we need [02:26] <@Eklektikos> and our closest rival [02:26] <+plexust> they wouldn't dare attack Fanatika [02:26] <+sike2> we make +10gpt [02:26] <+sike2> it's not a big deal [02:26] <@Eklektikos> I think it'd be worth the money to get them off our backs until we can regroup [02:27] <+sike2> bingo [02:27] <+CivGeneral> We are already entangled in a war with the Aztecs [02:27] <@Eklektikos> guess this is the situation spot votes were invented for, so.... [02:27] <+BlueStrider> Not really.... The war would be costly to japan... We are already at war.... so were not really hurting.... By the time japan gets to us their gold/sci rate will be brought down for lux [02:28] <+recon1591> finish 1 war first [02:29] <+BlueStrider> They look like they have a nice sized empire also.... They probley won't be attacking us for 2 T/C's (Making this out of memory.... Civ3 isn't running) [02:29] <+recon1591> then hit the next in line [02:29] <+BlueStrider> The aztecs are in the middle of the line.... were in the last spot [02:29] <+BlueStrider> Japan is in the first [02:29] <@Eklektikos> not convinced about the Strider. Knowing the Japs they've probably got a few stacks-of-doom wandering around already... particularly given the AI production bonuses [02:29] <@Eklektikos> *that [02:30] <+recon1591> finish the aztecs firt [02:30] <+BlueStrider> What is japan's mood toward us? [02:30] <+recon1591> first [02:30] <@Eklektikos> annoyed [02:30] <+BlueStrider> They are not furious.... The chance of them declaring was is low.... [02:30] <+sike2> let's give him the gold and move on [02:31] <+recon1591> FORCES WE NEED FORCES [02:31] <@Chieftess> We only have 3 cities... (4 now) [02:32] <@Chieftess> We really needed a larger production base. [02:32] <@Eklektikos> Spot Citizen Vote: Shall we give the Japanese the 21 gold they have demanded? [02:32] <+sike2> 5 soon to be 6 [02:32] <+BlueStrider> Recon: Yes we need forces.... My belief is we are attacking right now with to little.... [02:32] <@Chieftess> But, everyone wanted an early war [02:32] <+sike2> vote = YES [02:32] <@Eklektikos> vote = yes [02:32] * @Chieftess 1,4[8,4 Spot Vote 1,4] Vote yes/no/abstain [02:32] <@Chieftess> Vote = = yes [02:32] <+BlueStrider> Vote = NO! WE MUST NOT GIVE INTO THEIR DEMANDS! [02:32] <+recon1591> I think we can handle the aztecs but wait on japan [02:33] * @Chieftess 1,4[8,4 Vote Count 1,4] 3-1 [02:33] <+sike2> so that is a yes recon? [02:33] <+BlueStrider> This will make us seem weaker to other countries! The aztecs may as well gain a allie against us [02:33] <@Chieftess> I was thinking about abstain though... [02:33] <@Chieftess> :-) [02:33] <+recon1591> no they won't [02:33] <+sike2> vote recon [02:34] <+recon1591> kill aztecs wait on japan [02:34] <+sike2> recon votes yes [02:34] <+recon1591> give them the 21 [02:34] <@Eklektikos> 4 -1 [02:34] * +BlueStrider has a good feeling japan is going to declare war anyway [02:35] <+sike2> let's find out [02:35] <+recon1591> not this time [02:35] <+sike2> no playing recon [02:35] <+recon1591> next time when the bid gets bigger [02:35] <+recon1591> and no i'm not playing the game i learned my leason [02:35] <+plexust> no [02:36] <+sike2> 4 - 1 [02:36] <+sike2> 4 - 2 [02:36] * @Chieftess 1,4[8,4 Vote Count 1,4] 4-2 [02:36] <+CivGeneral> Vote+yes [02:36] * @Chieftess 1,4[8,4 Vote Count 1,4] 5-2 [02:36] <+recon1591> yes [02:36] * @Chieftess 1,4[8,4 Vote Count 1,4] 6-2 [02:36] <@Chieftess> Tbay is never here... [02:36] * +plexust thinks his opinion is a lost cause [02:36] <@Eklektikos> motion passes [02:36] <+sike2> shecky? [02:36] <@Chieftess> So, that's 11 present, 6 is the majority.. [02:36] <+BlueStrider> That is if were not dead already.... Alliances depend on who's winning and who stronger.... It will be easier for the aztecs to gain an allie against us if we agree.... Plus japan is most likely going to declare war anyway.... [02:37] * @Chieftess 8,9[1,9 Measure Passes 8,9] [02:37] <+sike2> cool [02:38] <+BlueStrider> *sigh* Now we just proved to the AI that we are the weakest country [02:38] <@Eklektikos> Our forces fortified in the mountains near tenochtitlan were attacked by two archers [02:38] <+sike2> and the smartest [02:38] <@Eklektikos> we won both battles [02:38] <+plexust> good [02:38] <+sike2> good [02:38] <+recon1591> great [02:39] <@Chieftess> good... [02:39] <+plexust> the only way to reconsile this will be to have a complete victory over the Aztecs [02:39] <@Eklektikos> our elite sword is now down to 1hp, and one of the archers down to 2hp [02:39] <+plexust> ... [02:39] <+sike2> k [02:39] <@Chieftess> I knew this battle would go south... :/ [02:39] <+recon1591> keep them fortified [02:40] <+recon1591> REINFORCEMENTS [02:40] <+sike2> yes [02:40] <+plexust> when will those reinforcements arrive? [02:40] <+plexust> 3 turns? [02:40] <+CivGeneral> I hope so [02:40] <@Eklektikos> I'm going to have to move them, I think... they can't regenerate hp when in enemy territory. [02:41] <+sike2> can we spare a sword from Tlaxcala? [02:41] <@Eklektikos> and I refuse to lose our firs elite so easily [02:41] <+recon1591> leave them there [02:41] <+CivGeneral> I agree to [02:41] <+BlueStrider> Sike: No.... the weakest.... We are behind in research and cities already.... the only thing was had was military power.... and we just proved that we are willing to give up money to someone who is 10 turns+ away and is about the same military power as us [02:41] <+recon1591> yes [02:41] <+plexust> which i think is very dumb of us... [02:41] <+recon1591> move all units to the front lines [02:42] <@Eklektikos> reinforcements continue on their way towards Tenochtitlan [02:42] <+sike2> I don't think we have to worry [02:42] <@Eklektikos> road to morgana is complete [02:42] <+sike2> good [02:42] <+BlueStrider> We destroy the aztecs then have another domino war to deal with WITHOUT immortals [02:43] <+sike2> we bad [02:43] <@Eklektikos> all hail CassandraStrider [02:43] <+BlueStrider> .....?? [02:43] <+plexust> this is ultimately bad [02:44] <@Eklektikos> ultimately I believe we will still have the last laugh [02:44] <+plexust> yes but domino wars w/o immortals? insane... [02:44] <+sike2> so let's proceed [02:45] <+BlueStrider> Not really.... The Japs just said that they don't like us and wants to make sure we are under their will or get rid of us.... We can not keep giving tribute to them.... Also the japs are rich enough to bring other countries into the war with us [02:45] <+BlueStrider> *against us [02:46] <+recon1591> we need more iron and swordsmaen [02:47] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 7 [02:47] <@Eklektikos> 1100BC, 2 gold, +10 gpt, Literature in 26 turns [02:47] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [02:47] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Spearman in 2 [02:47] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 2, Growth in 1, Settler in 5 [02:47] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 5, Swordsman in 2 [02:47] <@Eklektikos> Kuhkuff: Size = 1, Growth in 3, Settler in 11 [02:47] <@Eklektikos> Tlaxcala: Size = 1, Growth in 8, Spearman in 8 [02:47] <+recon1591> then we need those horses [02:47] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [02:47] <+recon1591> so get a road [02:47] *** Guest50535 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [02:47] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest50535 [02:47] <+BlueStrider> recon: they were about a T/C away from us.... We could easily make peace before they even get to us [02:47] <+sike2> please [02:47] *** Guest50535 has 4[morphed] into "Computerdude113" [02:47] <@Chieftess> not yet... some others are comming. :) [02:47] <@Chieftess> *coming [02:48] <@Eklektikos> ? [02:48] <@Chieftess> CG invited 2 new citizens. [02:48] <+CivGeneral> Hi Comp [02:48] <+recon1591> hi troops [02:49] <+Computerdude113> Hi [02:49] <+plexust> hi [02:49] <+sike2> hey dude [02:49] <+Computerdude113> hi [02:49] <@Eklektikos> hola [02:49] <+Shecky101> hey [02:49] *** Guest38992 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [02:49] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest38992 [02:49] *** Guest38992 has 4[morphed] into "EasilyConfused" [02:49] <+sike2> shecky is back [02:49] * +CivGeneral hopes the guest is Dan :) [02:50] <+EasilyConfused> hi [02:50] <+EasilyConfused> it's dan civ [02:50] * +BlueStrider thinks CivGeneral is going to be preparing for alot worst wars than this one [02:50] <+Shecky101> hehe [02:50] <+CivGeneral> Hey! [02:50] * @Chieftess wonders who Shecky is... [02:50] <+CivGeneral> Strider! [02:50] <+Computerdude113> Hey, i'm brand-new to the demogame, what's been happening recently [02:50] <+recon1591> lost you strider [02:50] <@Chieftess> Well, we're at war with the Aztecs, and it's not going 'as planned...' [02:51] <+Computerdude113> o, that's not good [02:51] <+Computerdude113> how much stronger than us are they [02:51] <+plexust> they aren't [02:51] <+BlueStrider> ?? [02:51] <@Chieftess> Everyone is twice as big... [02:51] <+sike2> they're not [02:51] <@Chieftess> Rome is 3x as big. [02:51] <+recon1591> if we getthose reinforcemnts up faster we do [02:52] * +BlueStrider wonders what ever happened to eyrei & GF's involvement in the Demogame [02:52] <+Computerdude113> so then y are we loosing [02:52] <@Eklektikos> mind if I press enter now, CT? [02:52] <@Chieftess> nope [02:52] <@Chieftess> go right ahead... [02:52] <+BlueStrider> Were losing because we did not mass up enough forces [02:53] <@Eklektikos> we're not losing, we're just not having quite as easy a time as we'd hoped [02:53] <+Computerdude113> ahh, i c [02:53] <@Chieftess> We didn't have a large enough base... [02:53] <@Eklektikos> we had too big a base :-p [02:53] <+CivGeneral> The Citizens wanted an early war [02:53] <+recon1591> we'll win [02:53] <@Chieftess> A little too early for my taste on a huge map.. [02:53] <+CivGeneral> "All of your bases belong to us" :p [02:53] <+Computerdude113> Ah, weird, Y [02:53] <@Eklektikos> pressing enter... [02:53] <+BlueStrider> Well win while depleting are military forces and leaving us open to jap attacks [02:54] <@Eklektikos> the English are building the Oracle [02:54] <@Eklektikos> Egyptians are building the Pyramids [02:54] <+sike2> k [02:54] <+Computerdude113> who hates us and have we built ne wonders [02:54] <@Chieftess> too early... [02:54] <+CivGeneral> I am hoping no one builds the Great Library [02:54] <+EasilyConfused> how are we looking culturally and scientifically? [02:55] <@Chieftess> culturally, nil. [02:55] <+recon1591> 2 cities build defense , the rest build offense [02:55] <@Chieftess> Scientifically, we need more cities. [02:55] <+plexust> our civ is crap [02:55] <+BlueStrider> Yup [02:55] <+plexust> :( [02:55] <@Chieftess> :( [02:55] <+CivGeneral> :( [02:55] <@Eklektikos> yada yada yada... [02:55] <@Chieftess> I really wanted to expand, but I think I was the only one... [02:55] <+plexust> it is hard to top DG1... [02:55] <+BlueStrider> Not really.... IF we get enough cities to build libries then we can get culture and science improvments [02:56] <+EasilyConfused> I assume this is at emperor level difficulty? [02:56] <@Chieftess> We're losing our chance for the landbridge... [02:56] <@Chieftess> yes [02:56] <+sike2> all that pizza you eat CT you should expand [02:56] <+sike2> :0 [02:56] <@Chieftess> I have a high metabolism. [02:56] <+plexust> burn! [02:56] <+sike2> me too [02:56] <+plexust> :) [02:56] <+recon1591> hey leave my pizza out of it [02:56] <+sike2> i can eat anything [02:56] <+EasilyConfused> I'm looking at the map [02:56] <+EasilyConfused> looks interesting [02:57] <@Chieftess> But, don't play the game. [02:57] <+BlueStrider> That's because we are making stupid mistakes we did not make in the last game.... I was looking at a older log and saw a spot-vote that was a plain out stupid plan, but was accepted (I voted for it also) [02:57] <+EasilyConfused> i won't [02:57] <+sike2> I guess I should have run for office [02:57] <+plexust> i will [02:57] <+Computerdude113> ARG! I'm lost already [02:57] <+EasilyConfused> :-) [02:58] <+plexust> (run for office) [02:58] <+EasilyConfused> and they call me EasilyConfused [02:58] * +CivGeneral runs for office [02:58] <+Computerdude113> EC, where's this map u speak of [02:58] * +EasilyConfused trips CivGeneral [02:58] <+recon1591> civ. the man [02:58] <@Eklektikos> End of turn 8 [02:58] <@Eklektikos> 1075BC, 12 gold, +11 gpt, Literature in 25 turns [02:58] <@Eklektikos> Sci/Tax/Lux = 1/8/1 [02:58] <@Eklektikos> Bavaria: Size = 4, Growth in --, Spearman in 1 [02:58] <@Eklektikos> Valhalla: Size = 3, Growth in 4, Settler in 4 [02:58] <@Eklektikos> Morgana: Size = 2, Growth in 4, Swordsman in 1 [02:58] <@Eklektikos> Kuhkuff: Size = 1, Growth in 2, Settler in 10 [02:58] <@Eklektikos> Tlaxcala: Size = 1, Growth in 7, Spearman in 7 [02:58] <+EasilyConfused> ask Chieftess she gave me a link [02:58] <@Eklektikos> (nothing but more moving up of reinforcements... [02:58] <+plexust> how far away are the reinforcements? [02:59] <+Computerdude113> Is EK the palyer [02:59] <+plexust> yea [02:59] <+CivGeneral> yes [02:59] <+BlueStrider> I G2G bye everyone [02:59] <+EasilyConfused> see ya [02:59] <@Chieftess> [02:59] <@Eklektikos> bye Strider [02:59] <+CivGeneral> HE is the President [02:59] <+plexust> bye strider [02:59] *** BlueStrider ( 4[left] #demogame. [02:59] <@Chieftess> get the turn 5 save [02:59] <+recon1591> let kuhkuff build swordsmen [02:59] <+EasilyConfused> so the President is the one playing the game? [02:59] <@Eklektikos> yep [02:59] <@Chieftess> yes [02:59] <+plexust> yea [02:59] <+CivGeneral> yes [02:59] <+sike2> Bavaria can switch to swordsman and Morgana stays on Swordsman next turn [02:59] <+EasilyConfused> btw where is the settler building in Valhalla planning on going? [03:00] <@Eklektikos> ok, Cyc [03:00] <+recon1591> send him to more iron [03:00] <+recon1591> or horses [03:00] <@Chieftess> So, will that 2nd settler have the spear escourt I planned? [03:00] <+EasilyConfused> horses is easy [03:00] *** Computerdude113 has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited) [03:00] <+sike2> that will be decided in between chats [03:00] <+EasilyConfused> especially since the land is good [03:00] <@Eklektikos> changes made [03:00] *** Guest66508 ( 4[joined] #demogame. [03:00] *** ChanServ 4[voices] Guest66508 [03:00] <@Eklektikos> press enter? [03:00] <@Chieftess> wait.. [03:00] *** Guest66508 has 4[morphed] into "Computerdude113" [03:01] <+EasilyConfused> I don't get it Eklektikos [03:01] * +CivGeneral puts the breaks on [03:01] <+Computerdude113> where's the map CT, couldn't find it [03:01] <@Chieftess> but, my one plan was for the warrior to temporarily escourt the next settler.. [03:01] <@Chieftess> cd: download the save [03:01] <+Computerdude113> o, k [03:01] <+recon1591> let the warior go [03:01] <@Chieftess> Then spear, then swith the sword... [03:01] <+plexust> yea [03:02] <+CivGeneral> yea [03:02] <@Eklektikos> what don't you get, EC? [03:02] * @Chieftess hopes Eklektikos didn't switch the warrior... [03:02] <+EasilyConfused> why do you keep saying can I press enter? [03:02] <+recon1591> no the swordsman is needed for war [03:02] <+Computerdude113> should i put the save in my game to see what'g going on? [03:02] <@Chieftess> But, we also need to defend our cities. [03:02] <+sike2> I think we're all too confused [03:02] <@Chieftess> hehe [03:02] <+recon1591> the warrior can do that [03:03] <+CivGeneral> Its just incase when there is a last minute adjustsments that is needed [03:03] <+recon1591> until spearmen are made [03:03] <@Eklektikos> as CG says [03:03] <@Chieftess> Since, remember? I said let the warrior build for 2 turns, then when the settler is built, the warrior and settler can move at once. [03:03] <+EasilyConfused> oh so you're about to end the turn? [03:03] <@Eklektikos> yep [03:03] <+sike2> Let's save and take it to the forums [03:03] <@Chieftess> So, leave the warrior there, and don't switch. [03:04] <+CivGeneral> Eyrei's quote :D [03:04] <@Chieftess> It can upgrade later.. [03:04] <+recon1591> k [03:04] <+Computerdude113> i'm going to see what's going on, bbk in a few [03:04] <+sike2> k [03:04] <@Eklektikos> I can go along with that, Cyc... [03:05] <+sike2> I'm lost [03:05] <+sike2> too much side talk [03:06] <@Eklektikos> ok [03:06] <@Eklektikos> saving and uploading.... [03:06] <+sike2> ty [03:06] <+CivGeneral> k [03:06] <+plexust> we ending the tc? [03:06] <@Eklektikos> 8 turns is pretty respectable [03:06] <@Chieftess> looks like it. [03:07] <+sike2> it's been 5 hours [03:07] <+plexust> sure [03:07] <@Chieftess> We have yet to have a 10 turn chat, I think... [03:07] <+CivGeneral> Boy time flys [03:07] <+EasilyConfused> what's tc mean? [03:07] <@Chieftess> turn chat [03:07] <+CivGeneral> Turn Chat [03:07] <+plexust> turn chat [03:07] <+EasilyConfused> oh [03:07] <+sike2> what's tc mean? [03:07] <+sike2> :) [03:07] <@Chieftess> :) [03:08] <@Eklektikos> total chaos [03:08] <@Eklektikos> ;-) [03:08] <+CivGeneral> :) [03:08] <@Chieftess> haha [03:08] <+CivGeneral> Total Commotion [03:08] <@Chieftess> toasted civ [03:08] <@Chieftess> Eklektikos - you should also use the time stamp for the logs [03:08] <@Eklektikos> terminal confusion [03:09] <+sike2> there ya go [03:09] *** gun_gone has quit IRC (Connection Closed) [03:09] <+Computerdude113> it doesn;t seem like we're doing as bad as u say we are [03:09] <@Eklektikos> that's because we're not ;-) [03:09] <+sike2> we're not [03:09] <+Computerdude113> we rn't at war either, or mby i have an old save [03:09] <@Chieftess> We are at war. [03:09] <+CivGeneral> You have the old save [03:09] <+Computerdude113> not in the save [03:09] <+Computerdude113> ahh, ic [03:09] *** gunning1 (~gunning1@ 4[joined] #demogame. [03:09] *** ChanServ 4[voices] gunning1 [03:09] <@Chieftess> Get the turn 5 one. [03:09] <+sike2> the year is like 1075bc [03:10] <+CivGeneral> Hi Gunning1 [03:10] <+gunning1> dont tell me it's still going on [03:10] <+gunning1> hi [03:10] <+EasilyConfused> how long has this thing been going on for? [03:10] <+Shecky101> we need great library [03:10] <+sike2> we're uploading now [03:11] <@Eklektikos> did someone say "great library"? [03:11] <@Eklektikos> where's the language-kicker when you need it... [03:11] <@Eklektikos> ;-) [03:11] <+EasilyConfused> how long has the turn chat been going on for? [03:11] <+sike2> speak up shecky [03:11] <@Chieftess> ? [03:11] <+CivGeneral> for 5 hours [03:11] <+EasilyConfused> for one turn!?!?!? [03:11] <+sike2> almost 2 months [03:12] <+sike2> 8 turns [03:12] <+EasilyConfused> wait, I'm confused [03:12] <+gunning1> it's only been 3 turns since i left [03:12] <+EasilyConfused> again :-) [03:12] <+sike2> sokay [03:12] <+EasilyConfused> I thought people decided what was happening in the forums Session Close: Thu Oct 24 03:12:40 2002